
Purple Hearts Netflix Movie Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Saturday, 06 August 2022 00:29


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Introduction to the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie Review


The Purple Hearts film is yet another Netflix movie that I was not sure I should watch. However after seeing that this film currently seems to be a staple top10 movie on Netflix and holding – I decided to check it out.


Should I have watched the Netflix movie, Purple Hearts? Should you? Check out my movie review of the Purple Hearts Netflix film to find out.


Synopsis of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


Purple Hearts Netflix movie is about a diabetic woman (Sophia Carson as Cassie) who has financial problems paying for her high-priced medical prescriptions and how she came up with a scheme to get government medical insurance for coverage. The backstory is that Sophia Carson’s character is an up and coming singer/songwriter who began her career working in small clubs and towards the end of the film, began to sell out large venues.  


By the way, another backstory is her sometimes volatile relationship with her “pretend” husband, an active duty marine (Nicholas Galitzine as Luke) as well as his military friends. To her husband’s dilemma, in addition to being a feminst, she is outspoken as well, sometimes to her detriment.


The above being said, the gist of the movie Purple Hearts is how two people fraudulently got into a marriage in order to get government benefits and what transpired between the two in the aftermath of this arrangement.


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Music in the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


As expected, since the main character, Sophia Carson as Cassie is an aspiring singer/songwriter, you may expect to see her performing a lot on stages, both large and small.  


I was initially under the impression that Sophia Carson's character was lip-synching which happens quite a lot in movies with singers in starring roles. However, I found out that Sophia Carson is an actual singer/songwriter in real life and is singing quite a few of her own songs during the Netflix movie, Purple Hearts.


I give kudos to the producers, writers, etc. for having Sophia Carson sing some of her own songs rather than lip synch them, especially since she appears to be an up and coming music artist outside of the movie set.



In my opinion, her singing voice is an acquired listening taste with a bit of autotune probably mixed in; however, one of the songs that stood out for me was the one titled Come Back Home that you may want to check out.


Realism of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


In my opinion, both main actors displayed their acting abilities adequately. However, I think more realism was shown between Sophia Carson's and Nicholas Galitzine's characters when they were disagreeing with each other rather than when they were not. In other words, to me it seems as it they are putting on an act when they are amicable with each other than when they showed their differences of opinions.


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Believability of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


The movie story itself is believable, because even though of course it is wrong to do so, it is  possible for fraud to happen anywhere in order to obtain personal gain for whatever reason.  


On the flip side, the unbelievable part of the Purple Hearts movie was towards the middle and the end of the film. I do not believe the storyline gave Sophia Carson’s and Nicholas Galitzine’s characters enough time to get to know each other before they changed their initial animosity towards one another, it seemed like overnight.  


Since the story ended as it did, I think the narrative should have included how even though they were married via an arrangement, they took the time to enjoy interesting experiences, dialogues, conversations and other ways to get to know each other better.  Unfortunately, the Purple Hearts Netflix movie did not do this and the ending seemed rushed.


Spoiler Alert: Additionally, the happy ending of the Purple Hearts Netflix movie appeared forced as well.


Diversity of Actors in the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


A positive for the Purple Hearts Netflix movie is the diversity depicted by the actors who played various parts in the film. However, true to form as in most diverse movies, it was a minority who unfortunately did not survive the marine’s tour in Iraq and was the first to leave the storyline. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now, I commend the Purple Hearts movie powers that be for having diverse actors on the set of the Purple Hearts Netflix film.


Assessment of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


I watched the Purple Hearts Netflix movie in one sitting. The movie played like a Lifetime movie, which I enjoy watching sometimes. The negative of the Purple Hearts movie was not showing enough military action of the Marines in the field, especially when the name of the movie is based on a high military honor for some of those who sacrificed while serving – the Purple Heart.


If you like movies with a Lifetime type vibe with some music and drama thrown in, you may want to check out the Purple Hearts Netflix film. 


By the way, the Purple Hearts Netflix movie reminded me a little of the romcom (romantic comedy) movie I reviewed recently Marry Me by Jennifer Lopez due to the combination of acting and music in the film.


Rating of the Purple Hearts  Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Purple Hearts Netflix movie, 3 stars.








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