
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2 Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Saturday, 27 August 2022 03:00

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Introduction to She-Hulk: Attorney At Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2 Review


They say that slow and steady win the race. Regarding the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus series, episode 2, I’m not sure if this is always true. In my opinion, Episode 2 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law seemed to drag on - which was not a winner for me. This was also the case for She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, episode 1.


But I digress. You may be curious if I enjoyed watching She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus series episode 2.  Was there anything exciting happening? 


More importantly, will you enjoy watching She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus series, episode 2?


Check out my review of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus series - episode 2 to find out.


Synopsis of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2


Episode 2 of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law series stars Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters (She-Hulk) finding out that she is no longer employed due to her courtroom antics that happened during the first episode.  


Tatiana Maslany’s character tries to keep her firing a secret, but to no avail. She laments for a short while about being unemployed, but soon finds out she is being hired by a competing law firm.


The hiring stipulation is that Tatiana Maslany’s character has to work as She-Hulk. On the flip side, Tatiana Maslany’s character has a requirement that her paralegal had to be hired with her. Both conditions are met and she reports to work at the law firm as She-Hulk.


She-Hulk’s first case in her new job is to represent a criminal called Abomination. She initially objects because Abomination harmed her cousin the Hulk in the past. When she visits Abomination in prison, he explains exactly what happened. As a result, and after a telephone conversation with the Hulk, Tatiana Maslany’s character changes her mind and decides to represent Abomination in court.


By the way, her new job is being head of the recently established Superhuman division of the law firm.


Positives of the She-Hulk Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2


A positive is each episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is short, usually lasting less than 35 minutes. 


–The audience meets the rest of Tatiana Maslany's character’s family so you and I are not left in the dark about her family background.


–If you are a Hulk fan - Smart Hulk appears briefly in the series, episode 2 talking to Tatiana Maslany’s character about taking the Abomination case.


–To me, She-Hulk sets a good example while unemployed by looking for another job right away instead of slacking and feeling sorry for herself. I think this is an excellent example to set for someone who may be out of a job or between jobs. 


The posituve saying for this action is if you get pushed down, the important thing to do is to get right back up.


She Hulk Episode 2 Recap The Openning News 1


Negatives of the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2


Tatiana Maslany’s character continues to talk to the audience directly by looking into the camera. I was optimistic that this method of talking to the camera had stopped because it took a while before she turned to the camera and spoke. In this particular episode, she talked not once, but twice to the camera – which to me was distracting to the storyline.


–In superhero movies, audiences probably expect to see at least one action scene with the superhero showing off his or her talents. Alas! There is not one single action scene in episode 2 involving the superhero She-Hulk.


–It’s not clear how Tatiana Maslany’s character turns into She-Hulk. At one minute the audience sees her as Jennifer Walters, the lawyer, and in the next she is She-Hulk with no explanation as to how she does this transformation.


–I believe it is highly unrealistic for a firm to hire someone on the condition that someone else of his or her choosing is hired along with that person as well.


For example, to keep Ginger Gonzaga character as paralegal Nikki Ramos in the series, the writer decided to have Tatiana Maslany's character give the hiring official the ultimatum that if Ginger Gonzaga’s character is not hired – then she would not take the job.


–In one scene, the audience sees Tatiana Maslany’s character without shoes and an office outfit, and in the next she has a change of clothes and is also wearing shoes -- with no transitioning.


–As I alluded to earlier, the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series, episode 2 has non-existent action and the story just drags along which in many cases will lead to boredom.

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Assessment of the She-Hulk: Attorney of Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2


In my opinion, the second episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law lacks excitement, suspense and even drama. There are some comedic scenes thrown in, which to me did not add much to increase my enjoyment level of the series.


It looks like the writer is stretching this series out by adding minor details about She-Hulk rather than crafting a superhero story with heroes and villains. I’m of the mindset that if this was a Hulk movie, there would be lots more action, suspense, chases, etc. to keep the interest level in the series high,


Of course, this slow rollout of She-Hulk could change as more episodes become available to watch.


My recommendation is for the writer to treat writing for She-Hulk in the same high quality caliber as if the series is about the Hulk or some other male superhero.


The positives and negatives of this series are neck to neck. However, from my purview, the negatives squeezed past the positives.


With the above beng said, I recommend you watch She:Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus series, episode 2 just as I did. Once the series starts, before you know it the particular episode you are watching will be over -- which is a plus.


Rating of the She-Hulk: Attorney of Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Disney Plus Series - Episode 2 – two (2) stars.



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