
Video Games: WII U -- More to Offer than Xbox 360 and PS3?

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Friday, 30 March 2012 16:29


WII U's scheduled release date is holiday, 2012

What better way to lure hard core gamers from Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 than to claim that by comparison,  the new WII U will have more to offer.  Even though not a direct assertion from Nintendo, the system is purported to add different elements to gameplay than what is available on other video game systems.

Wii 2

The unique feature of the WII U is the touch screen, which among other capabilities, will allow  you to continue playing certain games even when the television is off. The controller can supplement or replicate the video game played on the display screen. This feature is sometimes referred to as a tablet controller.

The controller itself has some of the same features of the Nintendo 3DS such as a gyroscope and a camera.

The WII U will be the first Nintendo console to provide 1080P high definition graphics. It will be backwards compatible with the WII and WII's peripherals.WII 3

So what does the WII U offer that tops the other consoles? According to Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford, and in his words, "No other platform can do what the WII U can do."

He mentions all the possibilities using the new interface, which is the WII U's innovative tablet controller. The possiblities include using the controller as a motion tracker and to replicate certain moments in movies.

He indicated that Nintendo may have more plans in store for the WII U and that Gearbox will be right there when they are disclosed.

Nintendo has been mum about the hardware specs, and is expected to reveal more about the WII U during E3 in June, 2012.

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