
Video Games: Can Your Game Compete?

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Monday, 21 November 2011 02:01



Source:  Technology, Will Colvin, August 16, 2011

If you had to choose between playing a new video game, let's say Batman Arkham City,  and going to see a new movie premiere release -- Dark Knight Rising (Coming in July 2012), would you pick the video game or the movie?  Or maybe both?

The gist of this article is the author states competition is not only between the video game companies, but is expanding to movies versus video games.  In other words, you may have to choose between playing the newest  game, or electing to watch the latest movie.

Just as movie studios decide when to release their block buster movies, the video game industry is also faced with this similar scheduling task.  On top of that, the video game companies have to take in consideration when other games are being launched so they can stay ahead, or try to beat the competition.

For example, Call of Duty:  Modern Warfare 3 by Activision is expected out November 8, 2011.  However, a week and a half prior to that, Electronic Arts is expected to release Batttlefield 3.  The author recommends that Electronic Arts makes good use of its week and a half head start, given the track record of previous competition between these two games.  Back when it was lauched in 2009, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2  outsold Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010) during its first 24 hours than the latter did in one month. Scenes from both games are pictured here.

 battlefield_2        callofduty1

Battlefield: Bad Company 2                           Call of Duty:  Modern Warfare 2

 By the way -- good news for the video game industry.  According to IT research firm Gartner, video games' worldwide sales are expected to be close to $75 billion this year, up from the total reached in 2010 of $67 Billion.  With that amount of money at stake, it would not be surprising if the competition got aggressive.  However, according to the author, the video game companies are "minding their manners."  No heavy-handed promotions going on so far.

Ms. H's take:  I think the playing field is large enough for both new video games and new movie releases. Why not get both new video games when they are released, instead of choosing between the two, if you want.  Regarding making a choice between video games and going to see the latest movies, isn't doing both an option?  Either way, the video game players will come out ahead.  After all, both the video game and movie industries are vying for our business!

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Bye now and take care!

Until next time,

Ms. H

"Ms. H=Win!"

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