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Uncharted Netflix Movie Review

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Introduction to the Uncharted Netflix Movie Review



I did a double take when the movie Uncharted unexpectedly appeared on my suggested Netflix movies to watch. As you may know, Uncharted is the 2022 big blockbuster video game movie starring Tom Holland of Spider-Man fame and others that was released exclusively in theaters a few months back.


As soon as I saw the Uncharted movie banner on Netflix, I clicked on it and watched this film without a second thought. As a caveat, at the time, I did not know if I would enjoy watching the Uncharted Netflix movie.


Specifically, there seems to be a negative stigma around video games that have been made into movies. Most of these video game movies have been labeled failures with few exceptions.


Will the Uncharted Netflix movie fall into the video game movie failure category, or will it be an exception? Even more importantly, will you enjoy watching the Netflix Uncharted movie? This question is especially pertinent if you have also played the PlayStation video game Uncharted starring Nathan “Nate” Drake. On the other hand, you may enjoy watching an action-adventure movie regardless of its origin.


Check out my Uncharted Netflix movie review to find out the answers to the above questions and more.



Synopsis of the Uncharted Netflix Movie


The plot of the Uncharted Netflix movie is a tried and true one that involves the relentless search for gold. Tom Holland stars as the main character, Nathan “Nate” Drake who along with Mark Wahlberg’s character, Victor “Sully” Sullivan and others are on a mission to locate the long lost gold based upon an ancient map and other artifacts, symbols and signs.


However, the problem is they are not the only ones in pursuit of the massive stash of gold. Enter Antonio Banderas as Santiago Moncada and Tati Gabrielle as Jo Braddock who with their crew who are on the same mission – which of course is a major conflict for Tom Holland’s and Mark Wahlberg’s characters.


The enemies' goal is to locate the gold at whatever costs which in some cases involve not only some violent actions, but also situations that show the extent they will go in order to find this gold.



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Action Scenes in the Uncharted Netflix Movie


The Uncharted Netflix movie begins with an aerial action scene that shows Tom Holland’s character battling enemies while hanging in the air from a cargo airplane. After a candy apple red classic car exits the plane and heads directly towards Tom Holland’s character, the movie does a quick flashback.



The flashback shows Tom Holland 's character and his brother (Rudy PanKow as Samuel “Sam” Drake) appearing to steal an ancient map that shows the location of the gold.


They are both caught in the act of trying to steal the map; however, Tom Holland character's brother decides to run away instead of facing the imminent punishment he would receive. Before he leaves, he gives  his brother a necklace that serves as the reoccurring token that will appear a few times in the movie.


But wait. The action does not stop there. In the Uncharted Netflix movie, you will watch lots of choreographed fights, explosions, and other altercations between each opposing party as they try to find the gold.


Setting of the Uncharted Netflix Movie


If you have played the video game Uncharted as I have, you will know that the game has scenes where Drake’s character literally climbs and swings from gigantic mountains and trees. This image was with me when the movie began where it appeared that most of the action would take place in a church instead of in the wide-open outdoors.


However, my disappointment was short-lived since during the second part of the movie, the location of the gold search leads Tom Holland’s, Mark Wahlberg’s characters and others to the outdoors including the ocean. There was not only tall mountainous terrain complete with trees, but also ancient shipwrecked vessels that were banked at the bottom of the ocean – before being airlifted for relocation.




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Realism of the Uncharted Netflix Movie


Since the movie Uncharted is based on a video game, you may not expect the film to have much realism. For example, the movies' opening scene that I mentioned above with Tom Holland 's character battling enemies in the air hanging from an airplane is, of course, far from what you would see in real life.


There are other unreal moments as well, especially dealing with Tom Holland’s character flying in the sky along with a certain classic candy apple red 1954 Mercedes-Benz. You will know what I’m talking about if you watch the Uncharted Netflix movie.


Twists and Turns in the Uncharted Netflix Movie


Since most of the characters in the Uncharted Netflix movie have criminal natures, there are plenty of twists and turns in the film. For example, the writer/director did a good job of showing how there is distrust among the characters, even if they may have dialogue with other characters to the contrary. In other words, trust in the Uncharted Netflix movie is rare, except towards the end when you finally find out who is actually trustworthy and who is not.


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Villains in the Uncharted Netflix Movie


There are plenty of villains in the Uncharted Netflix movie. In my opinion, Tati Gabrielle as Jo Braddock stood out for me. I believe she did an adequate job playing the villain in the Uncharted Netflix movie. 


This is in stark contrast to Monique Denise Ingram’s role as Reva Sevander in the Disney Plus Star Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi Series. In the Disney Plus series, I believe Moniquie Denise ingram's character needed a lot of work done on her part to come across as a villain. 


This was not the case for Tati Grabrielle’s character who not only looked the part, but who also displayed that she was definitely the villain especially when you find out what happens to Antonio Banderas’ character at the hands of  her character.  Agan, you will know what I’m referring to if you watch the Uncharted Netflix movie.


Humor in the Uncharted Netflix Movie


Some of the dialogue was delivered by some of the characters in such a way that may bring a smile to your face. For example, you may be surprised as I was to find out that Mark Wahlberg is just about the same height as Tom Holland. During one of the scenes, Mark Wahlberg makes a suggestion for Tom Holland to make himself not small – but smaller in order to fit into an escape hatch on a ship, and they both get into light banter about who is taller.There are other humorous dialogues as well, mostly by Tom Holland’s character, which I found to be entertaining.


Assessment of the Uncharted Netflix Movie


When the Uncharted movie was initially released, there was buzz about some of the characters being mis-cast. I agree that Tom Holland’s character does not quite look like the video game character, Drake, and maybe someone just a tad bit older should have been given this part.


However, after it is all said and done, acting-wise, I think Tom Holland did an adequate job in playing the lead character of Drake.


If you want to watch a movie packed with action, adventure, explosions, fights, altercations, intrigue, comedic elements, and even suspense, you may want to watch the Netflix movie, Uncharted. 


Just be aware that there is quite a bit of Computer-Generated Imagery - CGI going on, but this can be expected in a movie that is based on a high energy/action type video game such as Uncharted.


Without hesitation, I recommend you watch the Uncharted Netflix movie if you are a fan of acton movies. I found the Uncharted movie to not only be entertaining, but the storyline was well written especially when it came to revealing clues as to where the gold was hidden.



You may wonder if Tom Holland’s and Mark Wahlberg’s characters ever found the gold, and if so, what happens next. 



Satisfy your curiosity by watching the Uncharted Netflix movie and remember to hang around after the credits roll for some additional Uncharted movie gems. I am glad that I did.


Rating of the Uncharted Netflix Movie



Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars beng the highest, I rate the Unchartred Netflix movie 5 stars.







Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Video Movie Review

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Introduction to Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Video Movie Review


Bruce Willis is known for action films and as an actor – an action movie star. As you may know, for many years, Bruce Willis entertained the masses not only in movies, but also on the Emmy award winning television show, Moonlighting that he starred in along with Cybil Sheperd back in the 1980’s.


I recently watched a Moonlighting retro interview that happened a few years back where Bruce Willis talked about how he got started in action films. As fate would have it, there was a break in the Moonlighting television show's taping when Cybil Sheperd became pregnant. According to Bruce Willis, this specific time period was when he got the chance to star in the classic hit Die Hard movie that is probably even more popular today than it has ever been.


Fast forward to about 2018 and before, when Bruce Willis churned out movie after movie, some good, some not so good and many as they say, that went direct-to-video. 


I found out that it was during this time or a short time before, when movie staffers and others noticed a decline in his acting abilities, especially those dealing with speaking or memorizing his lines, as well as following directions on the movie set.


In fact, around March, 2022 it was announced that Bruce Willis was retiring from acting in movies due to a condition he has called aphasia that deals with experiencing problems with language centers of the brain, including speech comprehension.


Interestingly enough, when the movie, Bruce WIllis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video film was made, the director inquired ahead of the movie’s production how Bruce Willis was doing. The response was optimistic, but the director indicated when film production started, he knew there was something not quite right with Bruce Willis and that the staff may have been overly optimistic.


Additionally, when the Wrong Place movie was made, Bruce Willis’ contract stated that he was not to exceed 8 hours on the set and he had a limit of 2 days for the movie. By that time, it was reported that Bruce Willis only stayed on set around 4 hours instead of 8. 


How did Bruce Willis perform as an actor who is unfortunately suffering from a condition that negatively affects his acting abilities? Is the Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video movie worth watching? Check out my movie review of Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video film to find out.


By the way, Bruce Willis Wrong Place movie can rented or purchased on Amazon Prime Video.


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Synopsis of Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video Movie


The Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video film is a movie about a father who goes through great lengths to protect his daughter once she is faced with danger. The daughter, Chloe Richards is played by Ashley Greene and the father, Frank Richards, of course, is played by Bruce Willis.


To provide more details about the film –  Bruce Willis' character witnesses a crime that is taking place. He wounds the criminal who lands in jail. While in jail, the criminal played by Massi Furlan as Virgil Brown is visited by his son Jake Brown played by Michael Sirow. 


In no uncertain terms, it became clear that Bruce Willis' character was a threat to the criminal because he had seen him commit a crime against an unarmed man. The son’s action was to locate Bruce Willis’ character, destroy him so he would not be able to testify against his father in court. 


Meanwhile Bruce WIllis’ character's daughter and her friend were taking a road trip to visit him at his cabin.


Previously, the criminal’s son cased out the cabin where Bruce Willis' character resided and returned for the purpose of dangerously confronting Bruce Willis’ character – only to find his daughter and her friend there instead.


This is where the cat and mouse chases take place with the criminal’s son wounding Bruce Willis’ character's daughter's friend and threatening that her injuries would become worse if the daughter did not tell him the whereabouts of her father – Bruce Willis’ character.


Repetitive Actions in Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video Movie


The cat and mouse chases that I mentioned above were mostly between Bruce Williis’ character’s daughter and the criminal’s son. Later there was a small chase involving Bruce Willis’ character and the criminal's son, which unfortunately, did not end well. 


I found the chase actions repetitive especially the one involving the criminal’s son and Bruce Willis’ character 's daughter. Specifically, he would hunt and catch her, she breaks away and the cat and mouse chase continues between the two.  


Bruce Willis’ Acting Abilities in Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video Movie


For the most part, Bruce Willis acting involved frowning and looking angry while pointing a weapon at the assailant. 


There were scenes of Bruce Willis' character and his assailant in the forest where the audience would see a long overhead shot of Bruce Willis' character either running away from or chasing the criminal's son. From this angle, it appeared as if the movie staffers/director used body or stunt doubles for these type scenes.


There is also a scene where Bruce Willis' character is accosting the criminal's son, and he seems to be resting on a wall instead of actively looking for the criminal. You will notice what I’m talking about if you watch the Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video movie.


From my purview, I thought that Bruce Willis delivered his few lines adequately and in keeping with the movie plot. On the other hand, his scenes were few and far between. I also believe that Ashley Greene’s character was given more scenes, especially action and dialogue-wise to take the load off of Bruce Willis.


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Bruce Willis’ Die Hard Movies versus the Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video Movie


If you are anticipating Bruce Willis rehashing his award winning action scenes that are reminiscent of the movie Die Hard in the Wrong Place movie, unfortunately, that possibility disappeared years ago. 


Similar to Die Hard and some of Bruce Willis' other movies, the Wrong Place Amazon Prime VIdeo film involves police work, but instead of the heroic action hero Bruce Willis played as John McClane in the Die Hard movies as well as some of his other action films, he is playing the role of a security guard for a pawn shop. 


Another major difference is there were no restrictions on Bruce Willis during his Die Hard movies and some of his other action films. However, when he was on set of the Wrong Place, for everyone's safety, the director made sure no one was around him when he was handlining a weapon, even if the weapon was a prop. There may have been other restrictions as well.


Assessment of Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video Movie


Sadly, it looks like Bruce Willis' reign as an action hero has come to a screeching stop. However, I'm curious about how he will fare when he is reunited with his Pulp Fiction star, John Travolta in one of his upcoming films, Paradise City – a movie he indicated he was excited to make to see his friend.


Bruce WIllis has retired from making films, but it looks like there are some movies in the hopper that are yet to be released and hopefully enjoyed by many.


As for the Bruce Willis Wrong Place movie, I found it to be a predictable film with repeatable actions to fill up time. Specifically, Ashley Greene’s character could have ended the story half-way through the movie when one of her father’s outdoor traps caught the criminal ‘s son. However, instead of running away from the partly incapacitated criminal, she made a poor decision to run back to where he was caught to fight against him – a fight that she lost, and thus prolonged the movie.


If you are a Bruce Wlllis fan, you may want to check out his Wrong Place Amazon Prime Video movie. However, just be aware that unfortunately, the quality caliber of Bruce Willis' Wrong Place movie has lowered – similar to his other most recent direct-to-video movies– sometimes through no fault of his own.


Rating of  Wrong Place Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Bruce Willis Wrong Place Amazon Video 2 stars.


Purple Hearts Netflix Movie Review


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Introduction to the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie Review


The Purple Hearts film is yet another Netflix movie that I was not sure I should watch. However after seeing that this film currently seems to be a staple top10 movie on Netflix and holding – I decided to check it out.


Should I have watched the Netflix movie, Purple Hearts? Should you? Check out my movie review of the Purple Hearts Netflix film to find out.


Synopsis of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


Purple Hearts Netflix movie is about a diabetic woman (Sophia Carson as Cassie) who has financial problems paying for her high-priced medical prescriptions and how she came up with a scheme to get government medical insurance for coverage. The backstory is that Sophia Carson’s character is an up and coming singer/songwriter who began her career working in small clubs and towards the end of the film, began to sell out large venues.  


By the way, another backstory is her sometimes volatile relationship with her “pretend” husband, an active duty marine (Nicholas Galitzine as Luke) as well as his military friends. To her husband’s dilemma, in addition to being a feminst, she is outspoken as well, sometimes to her detriment.


The above being said, the gist of the movie Purple Hearts is how two people fraudulently got into a marriage in order to get government benefits and what transpired between the two in the aftermath of this arrangement.


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Music in the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


As expected, since the main character, Sophia Carson as Cassie is an aspiring singer/songwriter, you may expect to see her performing a lot on stages, both large and small.  


I was initially under the impression that Sophia Carson's character was lip-synching which happens quite a lot in movies with singers in starring roles. However, I found out that Sophia Carson is an actual singer/songwriter in real life and is singing quite a few of her own songs during the Netflix movie, Purple Hearts.


I give kudos to the producers, writers, etc. for having Sophia Carson sing some of her own songs rather than lip synch them, especially since she appears to be an up and coming music artist outside of the movie set.



In my opinion, her singing voice is an acquired listening taste with a bit of autotune probably mixed in; however, one of the songs that stood out for me was the one titled Come Back Home that you may want to check out.


Realism of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


In my opinion, both main actors displayed their acting abilities adequately. However, I think more realism was shown between Sophia Carson's and Nicholas Galitzine's characters when they were disagreeing with each other rather than when they were not. In other words, to me it seems as it they are putting on an act when they are amicable with each other than when they showed their differences of opinions.


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Believability of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


The movie story itself is believable, because even though of course it is wrong to do so, it is  possible for fraud to happen anywhere in order to obtain personal gain for whatever reason.  


On the flip side, the unbelievable part of the Purple Hearts movie was towards the middle and the end of the film. I do not believe the storyline gave Sophia Carson’s and Nicholas Galitzine’s characters enough time to get to know each other before they changed their initial animosity towards one another, it seemed like overnight.  


Since the story ended as it did, I think the narrative should have included how even though they were married via an arrangement, they took the time to enjoy interesting experiences, dialogues, conversations and other ways to get to know each other better.  Unfortunately, the Purple Hearts Netflix movie did not do this and the ending seemed rushed.


Spoiler Alert: Additionally, the happy ending of the Purple Hearts Netflix movie appeared forced as well.


Diversity of Actors in the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


A positive for the Purple Hearts Netflix movie is the diversity depicted by the actors who played various parts in the film. However, true to form as in most diverse movies, it was a minority who unfortunately did not survive the marine’s tour in Iraq and was the first to leave the storyline. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now, I commend the Purple Hearts movie powers that be for having diverse actors on the set of the Purple Hearts Netflix film.


Assessment of the Purple Hearts Netflix Movie


I watched the Purple Hearts Netflix movie in one sitting. The movie played like a Lifetime movie, which I enjoy watching sometimes. The negative of the Purple Hearts movie was not showing enough military action of the Marines in the field, especially when the name of the movie is based on a high military honor for some of those who sacrificed while serving – the Purple Heart.


If you like movies with a Lifetime type vibe with some music and drama thrown in, you may want to check out the Purple Hearts Netflix film. 


By the way, the Purple Hearts Netflix movie reminded me a little of the romcom (romantic comedy) movie I reviewed recently Marry Me by Jennifer Lopez due to the combination of acting and music in the film.


Rating of the Purple Hearts  Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Purple Hearts Netflix movie, 3 stars.








Security Netflix Movie Review

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Introduction to Security Netflix Movie Review


First – the positive: The Security Netflix Italian movie is filmed in an exotic location with some scenic views near the beach.  In fact at the beginning of the movie, you see seemingly happy people sunning with their beach chairs all lined up in order.


Second – the not so positive: The Netflix Security movie has storylines where situations and circumstances are incrementally shown to the audience in order to keep up the suspense. Unfortunately, this method of storytelling tends to make the movie seem to last forever. In fact, when the movie is finally over, you may ask yourself, “Was this movie worth my time to watch?”


The above being said, were there some good parts in the Security Netflix movie? Most importantly, should you watch it? Check out my movie review of the Security Netflix movie to find out.


By the way, the Security Netflix movie is rated R and should not be seen by anyone under 17 years of age.


Synopsis of Security Netflix Movie 


The Security Netflix movie is a film about a young girl who has been assaulted in a location that is not usually known for any type of crime. Enter Marco D’Amore as the security expert to investigate who actually performed the assault by looking at various security cameras from different angles and interviewing people.


As if to add some substance to the plot, this movie has a wide array of characters, each with questionable motives as well as one with political aspirations – on a small scale. For example, the wife of the security expert is running for mayor and is trying to do everything in her power to hide negative press that may harm the election, including circumstances surrounding the assault of the victim.


But the plot thickens or divides. There is a subplot where the security person is married; however, he is having an affair, right under the wife’s nose, who doesn’t seem to care and is more focused on winning the election. There are other illicit type actions going on between various characters in the movie as well, including the security person 's daughter.


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Realism in Security Netflix Movie


When it is all said and done, all the assault victim had to do was to admit to everyone who she was with the night of her assault, and the movie would have been over. 


However, to make a long story even longer, during the movie, video footage shows the victim intoxicated; however, before she became this way, surely she could remember where she was, and who was around her the night the assault occurred.


To drag this film along even further, instead, the security person looks through lots of security camera footage, viewing the events that led up to the victim's assault as well as when this incident actually happened.


The unbelievable part of this movie was after the security person watched footage of the same clips repeatedly, even those with with some scenes blocked off -- miraculously,  or so it seems toward the end of the movie, this blocked footage becomes available to reveal who the criminal was who assaulted the victim.


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Storylines in Security Netflix Movie


In the Security Netflix movie, one of the characters is attending a class in creative writing. However, instead of sharing something creative, she writes about what happened to her when she was 7 years old, which caused an innocent man to be accused of an indiscretion that he did not commit. 


The storyline then moves to other character’s lives, until the very end when it is finally revealed who the guilty party was. At the same time, the wrongly accused man of a different crime who was an alcoholic, sobered up and decided to confront the person he thought assaulted his daughter. Yes, the young girl assaulted was this man's daughter.


Spoiler Alert:  After the sobered up man finds out he had acosted the wrong person, he walks out the house, removes a knife from his pocket and does not drop it when told to do so by the police – who by this time had arrived on the scene. At this point, of course, he met his demise at the hands of the police which seemed all for naught, especially, since he was sober and seemed to be turning his life around.


In a nutshell, some of the scenes in the Security Netflix movie did not pass the common sense test, such as the one described above. Specifically, there was no justification for this man’s destruction.


Assessment of Security Netflix Movie


I describe the Security Netflix movie by an acronym I made up just as I was writing this movie review. The Security Netflix movie is ACWOT. What does ACWOT stand for? You guessed it – A Complete Waste of Time.


I watched parts of this movie in three different sittings, because I felt I had something better to do. You might decide to follow my lead as well or even better, bypass watching the Security Netflix movie completely. I’m sure you will find something more rewarding to do even if you only plan to watch paint dry.


The above being said, the Security Netflix movie could have been improved by…unfortunately, not being made at all.


Rating of Security Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Security Netflix Movie 1 star. 



Keep Breathing Netflix Series Review



Introduction to Keep Breathing Netflix Series Review


I was on the fence about watching the Netflix TV series Keep Breathing, mainly because it is not a movie but is a series consisting of six episodes. I was looking forward to having a fun movie night that would only take up less than two hours of my time.


However, after I watched episode 1 of the Netflix series, Keep Breathing, I was drawn in, mainly because the series played like a movie, but in six episodes. Also, I clicked on the “Next Episode” Netflix option after watching the first episode because I wanted to find out what happened next.


I watched the Keep Breathing series in 2 sittings – 3 episodes each. Did I enjoy watching the Keep Breathing Netflix series? Will You? Check out my review of the Keep Breathing Netflix series to find out.


Synopsis of Keep Breathing Netflix Series 


The 2022 Keep Breathing Netflix series’ plot centers around a woman who is dedicated to her job as a securities lawyer – almost obsessively. In fact, when Melissa Barrera’s character discovered that her business trip to a certain location was canceled, she took a risk by asking two complete strangers if she could fly with them on their Cessna plane just so she could attend a business meeting. After hesitating initially, the men finally obliged her, especially since she was practically begging them to let her fly with them.


Unfortunately, there was a plane crash enroute to their destination. Melissa Barrera’s character survived as well as one of the men for a short time. It's interesting to note here that Melissa Barrera’s character was anxious to keep her meeting appointment and probably wished there was a plane going to her destination. There was.. but then the plane crash happened. The adage that comes to mind here is “Be careful what you wish for.”


The bulk of the Netflix Keep Breathing series’ scenes show how the main character survived alone in the wilderness, as well as how she became sort of a Macgyver of sorts when she not only started a fire but how she crafted other items she needed to survive.


In the midst of Melissa Barrera’s character trying to survive in the wilderness alone, she is steadily almost non-stop thinking about her childhood, including her mother who abandoned her, her father as well as a romantic interest she met at her job.


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Realism of Keep Breathing Netflix Series


The Keep Breathing Netflix Series started out real lifelike, especially after the crash scene and the director was showing everything Melissa Barrera's character was doing to survive.


The Netflix Keep Breathing series' plot is similar to a plane crash movie I reviewed where I ponted out the actors did not project any fear when they could have crashed at anytime. The movie I’m referring to is the Amazon Prime Video Horizon Line film  starring Allison Williams.


By contrast, if you watch the Netflix Keep Breathing series, you get the feeling that the main character is actually out in the forest alone, trying everything she can to survive.  


The above being said, the director/writer presented numerous scenes where the now deceased plane crash passenger would be shown standng behind Melissa Barrera’s character saying discouraging words to her. Of course he was really never in her presence after his demise. 


I tolerated watching this person for a short while (who was not really there), but then my tolerance was stretched. The Nextflix series started showing other characters talking to Melissa Barrera’s character when in reality they were not with her – I think they went a little too far.  


I could have enjoyed the Keep Breathing Netflix series even more if instead of having these people appear, she could simply hear them talking to her, but without a physical appearance. The steady showing of people near her who were not there -- especially toward the end of the series became not only unreal but annoying to me.


Optimal Ending Time Missed for Keep Breathing Netflix Series


Spoiler alert: In the Netflix series, Keep Breathing, after Melissa Barrera’s character succeeded in finding a way to sterilize her water, found berres to eat and seemed to be rejuvenated, she hears a plane flying above the tall forest trees. She runs screaming for someone to help her, when all of a sudden, she actually plummets into a deep hole and ends up with a heavy rock over her legs.  


If the series ended with the plane’s pilot spotting her before she fell in the  hole, the Netflix series could have ended on a good note. The audience had already been subjected to lots of flashbacks about Melissa Barrera’s family and romantic interests problems – so there was not much else to add to the series..


However, the writers found a way to prolong the Netflix Keep Breathing series by having Melissa Barrera’s character find a way out of the hole, after having an imaginary conversation with her Mother who was of course not there. Towards the ending of the series, Melissa Barrera’s character seemingly giave up, stepping out into the streaming river and being pushed along by the flow of lake.



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Assessment of the Keep Breathing Netflix Series


Netflix series, Keep Breathing has some interesting parts as well as thought provoking messages and lessons. For example, one lesson was if it was worth the risk boarding a private plane with strangers just to keep a business appointment. Melissa’s Barrera’s character could have called, explained her circumstance regarding plane flights, and rescheduled the meeting.


Another lesson is sometimes it  seems counterproductive to stay focused on the past, which has already happened.  


I understand that Melissa Barrera’s character is alone in the wilderness, so understandably, she would think back to what happened in the past. However, after a while, it may be more fruitful to put a lid on the past and concentrate on the present, including imagining a happy, successful future where the main character is safe, and out of the wilderness. Just imagine how much happier the main character could have been if she kept positive  thoughts on her present and her  future instead of dwelling on her past. 


I must admit, I enjoyed watching Melissa Barrera’s character's survival skills displayed as well as how happy she became when she made big accomplishments like making fire or boiling water in the wilderness. 


However the downfall was the constant walking down memory lane – which is a sad one. This habit of Melissa Barrera's character in my opinion did not serve a useful purpose.


 If you like slow moving dramas and/or adventure films, you may enjoy Keep Breathing Netflix series. As for me, I do not think I will be rewatching the Netflix series Keep Breathing any time soon.


Rating of the Keep Breathing Netflix Series


Based on a rating of 1 star and 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Keep Breathing Netflix series 3 stars.


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