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Mom's Minute 12-15-2014

  • Monday, 15 December 2014
Ms. H is elated to let her listeners know that the 132nd episode of Mom's Minute Spider-Woman Jessica Drew vs. A.K.A. Jessica Jones Video Game Show will be an extended version.  This is especially fitting since Ms. H plans to cover a myriad of topics beginning with the impetus behind Ariana Grande's debut Christmas song called Santa Tell Me.  Ms. H entertains questions from her listeners which including Angelina Jolie's admission that she had chickenpox and was unable to attend the premiere of her latest movie.  This topic led to a lively disussion on this subject.  Ms. H announces the next Mom's Minute Video Game Show scheduled for December 22, 2014 will be the last video game show in 2014. She invites everyone back to her show-- which will air live  the first week in January 2015.  She lets her listeners know that today's show is not the last one for the year and she looks forward to presenting a special Christmas show on December 22, 2014.  Ms. H welcomes a listener who called in via Skype with discussions that include  the merits of Steam games as well as the pricing of Steam's video games.  Ms. H reviews two video games -- Strike Suit Zero that she played on her Xbox One and the DOTA 2 free Steam video game that she played on her Alienware gaming laptop.  This led to discussions on destroying enemies in video games including the latest rendition of Unchartered 4 which does not allow progression in gameplay without these actions taking place. Ms. H discussed writing about family friendly video games that are not violence based.  She talks about the featured video game character of the week who is Jessica Jones.  She compares Jessica Drew also known as Spider-Woman to Jessica Jones who will have her own Netflix series in 2015.  The Defenders were discussed as well as the comic book characters who are members of this grroup.  Squirrel Girl was discussed also and was described as one of the strongest video game characters who single-handily defeats lots of super villains. The fun activity of listing video games based on music stemmed from Ms. H video game field trip to the Music and Arts store.  New video game releases followed with  the video game news of the exclusive Street Fighter V game for the PC and PS4.  Ms. H shares the six most family friendly video games as well as the top video games of 2014.  She rounds out her video game show with her special, original saying to take control  by using sound judgment with positive actions which will result in win-win situations.

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/5v8crfejkW8/index.php

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