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Mom's Minute 2-2-2015

  • Monday, 02 February 2015
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show returns with a fresh new show which is the first one for 2015-- with many more to follow.  She informs her listeners of the new segments added, including the Celebrity Gamer of the Week as well as information about mythology gods for each  month on this, her 134th episode.  A mythical god for each month will be a regular feature on the first Monday of each month throughout the year. Ms. H gives special thanks to the creator and producer of the Mom's Minute Video Game Show,  DerrickH as well as Travis. She wishes her two sons and everyone a happy, healthy and successful present and future.  Ms. H looks forward to bringing the full content of her show to her listeners next week which will include interacting via comments.  Ms. H is always glad to receive emails on video game topics at   \n This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  She welcomes everyone to return to the next show and all of her shows, when the fun and excitement of all things video games will continue.  Ms. H discussed the Origin video game she played on her Alienware gaming laptop --  Star Wars:  The Old Republic.  In keeping with the show's  new format, Ms. H discusses Janus -- the mythical god for January, and will talk about the mythical god for February on her next show.  She lets everyone know the video game Janus can be played as a character is called Smite -- with a new game slated to be released some time in 2015 for the Xbox One. Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to GameStop and shares her thoughts on how it  is competing against other video game retailers.  The celebrity video gamer featured this week is Bruce Willis from the video game Apocalypse.  He  will also be featured on next week's video game show for the game Die Hard.   She lists some of the video games that were voted to be the all time best, and discusses new video game releases.  She rounds off the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special original saying that "Bright smiles make for bright days."

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/teq_KC9kFrA/index.php

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