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Mom's Minute 2-9-2015

  • Monday, 09 February 2015
Mom's Minute Video Game Show returns and gets off to an energetic start on this, the 135th episode.  Ms. H discusses new changes in the Mom's Minute Video Game Show which include featuring a god for the first Monday's show in the month which represents that specific month.  Janus was discussed in January, 2015 during the show and Februus was discussed  in February, 2015. Ms. H delves right into the show and reviews  the video game she played on her PS4, Apotheon.  For the next segment, the celebrity gamer of the week, Ms. H discusses Kevin Spacey from the video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare instead of Bruce Willis from the Die Hard video game  as originally planned.  The reason being Bruce Willis only appeared in one video game to date -- Apocalypse and does not appear in the Die Hard video games.  She explained that Kevin Spacey had creative license in working as Jonathan Irons in the video game wherein he could have the character act in a way he saw fit for the video game. It also helps that he is an Oscar winning actor as well.  Next, Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to Kaboom, which sparked comments when she talked about the card game that were played at the establishment -- Magic:  The Gathering.  She informs everyone  the differences between the video game and the card game which were relayed to her.  Additionally, Ms. H receives her first caller of the New Year, who called to discuss Magic: The Gathering further.  She entertains the idea suggested by the creator and producer of the show to invite Kaboom's salespeople for Magic: The Gathering to Mom's Minute Video Game Show to discuss this card game. Ms. H talks about new video game releases, which led to a question of if she will be reviewing video games on the 3DS and/or the Vita. Ms. H's reponse was this is a possibility.  The establishment of a video game museum at Rochester Museum along with the Academy of interactive Arts and Sciences was talked about. New video game releases were discussed as well as Ms. H's original saying that with determination, drive, persistence, and a positive atitude, your accomplishments will be much.  

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