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Mom's Minute 3-2-2015

  • Monday, 02 March 2015
On this special Star Trek Mr. Spock vs. Star Wars Yoda 138th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, Ms. H welcomes her  listeners and wishes everyone well.  She starts right into the show with her review of the free to play video game, Star Trek Online.  Ms. H explains that she enjoyed the video game play but the biggest drawback in addition to not being able to name her own video game character, was the difficulty experienced moving the character around the environment in this RPG. That being said, Ms. H completed several missions in the tutorial portion of the video game Star Trek Online.  Ms. H states that she will be  playing Star Trek Online again. A lively discussion ensued on the idea of video games having alternative and other universes, coined as the term cannon. Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week, Mars, the Roman God of War which the month of March was named for. She tells everyone the Greek God of War, Ares appeared in many video games -- unlike the Roman God of War, Mars.  She next discusses the celebrity video gamer of the week, the late Leonard Nimoy who she informed everyone sadly passed away on February 27, 2015 at the age of 83.  She talks about the video games Leonard Nimoy did voice acting for as well as the ones he appeared in such as the video game Star Trek Online.  She shares her experiences during her video game field trip to the Music and Art store which she informed everyone had music books featuring video game characters Zelda and Mario.  She lets everyone know about new video game releases.  Epic Games giving away the video game engine, Unreal Engine free of charge  tops the news as well as a video game, Star Citizen that broke the record for crowd funding to the tune of $74 million dollars.  Ms. H rounds out Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special original saying to look on the bright side always as there is power in positivity.  

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/uS7oaKNbWqk/index.php

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