Introduction to The Good Nurse: A Netflix Movie Review
I did not hesitate to watch The Good Nurse Netflix movie when it was released.The main reason I watched The Good Nurse Netflix movie is the film stars an A-List actor, Jessica Chastain.
I’ve watched a few of her movies in the past and have been satisfied with her acting performances. Some of her movies I’ve watched include Ava, Zero Dark Thirty, Molly’s Game and others.
The above being said, little did I know that the Good Nurse Netflix movie also starred someone who I would classify as a “sleeper actor.” “Sleeper” in the sense that I was not familiar with him as an actor. However, after I watched The Good Nurse, I found out that this actor (Eddie Redmayne) is well known in the acting circles. Additionally, I discovered that he is one of those actors who really gets into the role of whatever character he is playing.
In fact, when I saw him later on a talk show, It was eerie thinking what he was probably plotting in his mind – since he played the criminal character Charles Cullen so convincingly.
By the way, from the talk show, I found out the movie The Good Nurse is based on a novel by Charles Graeber and that the movie only showed about ⅓ of what was in the book.
However, regarding the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, the question is: Did The Good Nurse Netflix movie keep my attention? Also, WIll it keep yours? More Importantly, should you watch The Good Nurse Netflix movie?
Check out my movie review of The Good Nurse Netflix movie to find out.
Synopsis of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
The storyline in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, is based upon true events that actually happened.
The movie plot involves a nurse by the name of Charles Cullen who to me appeared unassuming in the movie. He did not seem particularly angry, sad or melodramatic. The word I would use to describe him would be unassuming as I mentioned previously.
Apparently as the story goes, Charles Cullen used his access to patients not as a way to care for them, but as a way to unfortunately end their lives.The deaths at several hospitals seemed unusual which sparked an investigation by the police.
It did not take long for Jessica Chastain's character to notice something unusual was going on with her patients. Specifically she found out that Charles Cullen was filling saline bags with extra doses of insulin and injecting the fluid in patients which proved to be fatal.

Realism in the Good Nurse Netflix Movie
There is quite a bit of realism in The Good Nurse Netflix movie, starting with how the hospital tried to cover up the crimes. Even though patients were being destroyed. Interesting enough, there were no internal investigations within the hospital once the deaths started.
Additionally, I noticed an unrealistic scene in the movie where Jessica Chastain’s character walked in the room where Charles Cullen was being questioned. She immediately requested the detective to remove Charles Cullen's handcuffs. Although the detective knew this character was prone to raising his voice, and becoming unruly, he obliged her request and removed the handcuffs. In real life, I do not believe this action would have taken place.
Another unrealistic scene in the Netflix movie The Good Nurse occurred when the detective very sternly told the female administrator to sit down. Because of his loud tone of voice, and maybe his choice of words, he and his detective partner were banned from going to the hospital, even though an active investigation was going on. I do not think this would happen in real life.

Assessment of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
I categorize The Good Nurse Netflix Movie as slow moving almost to the point of being boring. However, what may keep your interest in the story is the character depiction of Charles Cullen by the actor Eddie Redmayne.
Charles Cullen’s character was lowkey throughout the movie but there was something sinister about him. In other words, in my opinion, he did not seem trustworthy – even though for some reason Jessica Chastain’s character took awhile before she became suspicious of him.
Acting skills Displayed in The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
Both Jessica Chastain and Eddie Redmayne did an adequate job of playing their roles. However, If I did a side by side comparison, I would place Eddie Redmayne’s performance higher than Jessica Chastain’s simply, because I’m sure he was aware that the audience would be focused on him since he was portraying someone who performed these tragic criminal actions.
The above being said, I am unable to recommend that you watch the Netflix film The Good Nurse. As I look back on the movie, I remember a lot of screen time was spent on showing Jessica Chastain’s character's home life, which did not move the story along. Also there is no suspense in the movie because right off the bat, you knew who the criminal was and the crimes he committed.
However, If you are a fan of the actor, Jessica Chastain, You may want to check her out in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse. Or you may want to check out other Netflix movies that will keep your interest instead.
Rating of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Good Nurse Netflix movie 3 stars.
Introduction to The Good Nurse: A Netflix Movie Review
I did not hesitate to watch The Good Nurse Netflix movie when it was released.The main reason I watched The Good Nurse Netflix movie is the film stars an A-List actor, Jessica Chastain.
I’ve watched a few of her movies in the past and have been satisfied with her acting performance. Some of her moviesI’ve watched include Ava Zero Dark Thirty, Molly’s Game and others.
The above being said, little did I know that the Good Nurse Netflix movie also starred someone who I would classify as a “sleeper actor.” “Sleeper” in the sense that Iwas not familiar with him as an actor. However, after I watched The Good Nurse, I found out that this actor (Eddie Redmayne is well known in the acting circles and. Additionally, I discovered that he is one of those actors who really gets into the role of whatever character he is playing.
In fact, when I saw him later on a talk show, It was eerie thinking what he was plotting in his mind – since he played the criminal character Charles Cullen convincingly.
By the way, from the talk show, I found out the movie The Good Nurse is based on a novel by ________and that the movie only showed about ⅓ of what was in the book.
However, regarding the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, the question is: Did The Good Nurse Netflix movies keep my attention? Also, WIll it keep yours? More Importantly, should you watch The Good Nurse Netflix movie?
Check out my movie review of The Good Nurse Netflix movie to find out.
Synopsis of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie,
The events in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse, are based upon true events that actually happened.
The movie plot involves a nurse by the name of Charles Culen who to me appeared unassuming in the movie. He did not seem particularly angry, sad or melodramatic. The word I would use to describe him would be unassuming as I mentioned previously.
Apparently as the story goes, Charles Cullen used his access to patients not as a way to care for them, but as a way to unfortunately end their lives.The deaths at the hospital seemed unusual which sparked an investigation by the police.
It did not take long for Jessica Chastain's character to notice something unusual was going on with her patients. Specifically she found out that Charles Cullen was filling saline bags with extra doses of insulin and injecting the fluid in patients which proved to be fatal.
Realism of THe Good Nurse Netflix Movie,
There was quite a bit of realism in The Good Nurse Netflix movie, starting off with how the hospital tried to cover up these crimes. Even though patients were being destroyed. Interesting enough, there were no internal investigations within the hospital once the deaths started
I noticed an unrealistic scene in the movie where Jessica Chastain’s character walked in the room where Charles Cullen was being questioned. She immediately requested the detective to remove Charles Cullen's handcuffs. Although the detective knew this character was prone to raising his voice, and becoming unruly, he obliged her request and removed the handcuffs. In real life, I do not believe this action would have taken place.
Another unrealistic scene in the Netflix movie The Good Nurse occurred when the detective very sternly told the female administrator to sit down. Because of his tone of voice, and maybe his choice of words, He was banned from going to the hospital, even though an active investigation was going on. I do not think this would happened in real life.
Assessment of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
I categorize The Good Nurse Netflix Movie as slow moving almost to the point of being boring. However, what may keep your interest in the story is the character depiction of Charles Cullen by the actor Eddie Redmayne.
Charles Cullin’ character was lowkey throughout the movie but there was something sinister about him. In other words, in my opinion, he did not seem trustworthy – even though for some reason Jessica Chstain’s character took awhile before she became suspicious of him.
Acting skills Displayed in The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
Both Jessia Chastain and Eddie Redmayne did an adequate job of playing their roles. However, If I did a side by side comparison, I would place Eddie Redmayne’s performance higher than Jessica Chastain’s simply, because I’m sure he was aware that the audience would be focused on him since he was portraying someone who performed these tragic criminal actions.
The above being said, I am unable to recommend that you watch The Netflix film The Good Nurse. As I look back on the movie, I remember a lot of screen time was spent on showing Jessica Chastain’s character's home life, which did not move the story along. Also there is no suspense in the movie because right off the bat, you knew who the criminal was and the crime he committed.
However, If you are a fan of the actor, Jessica Chastain, You may want to check her out in the Netflix movie, The Good Nurse. Or you may want to check out other netflix movies that will keep your intranet instead.
Rating of The Good Nurse Netflix Movie
Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Good Nurse Netflix movie 3 stars.