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PS5 - The Future of Gaming - An Amazon Prime Video Review

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Introduction to PS5 - The Future of Gaming Amazon Prime Video Review


I decided to do something a little different for my review here. Instead of discussing movies or TV series -- I decided to discuss the next generation video game console -- the PS5 as depicted on Amazon Prime video. If you are curious about the PS5 -- you may want to check out my review to find out additional information about this system or maybe just to satisfy your curiosity.


Format of PS5 -- The Future of Gaming -- An Amazon Prime Video Review


When I started watching this free video on Amazon Prime Video, I was perplexed as to what was going on. Without so much as an introduction or narrative, various PS4 video games began playing. I thought maybe I had clicked on the wrong prime video since there was no mention of the PS5 in the first few frames.


However, my patience paid off. After watching cinematic gameplays from several PS4 games, there were segway transition imageries before a picture of the PS5 controller appears.  At that point, I settled down and determined I had indeed clicked on the correct prime video.


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Sequence of Video Games Shown on the PS5 -- The Future of Gaming Video


In hindsight, I think it was a good idea as a marketing tool for Sony to begin the PS5 video with sort of a run-down or recap of some of the current PS4 video games.  It’s possible that people who have the PS4 do not have some of the games that were shown -- including myself.  In that vein, showing the PS4 video games was a way to advertise games that are already available for the PS4.


Transitions Between Content in the PS5 - The Future of Gaming Video


Sony sets a relaxing mood, in my opinion, by displaying slow motion images between each of the segments.  For example, prior to transitioning to video games that will be available for the PS5, you will see creative images of the PlayStation symbols -- all different from each other as each segment is introduced.


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PS5 Games as Introduced on the PS5 - The Future of Gaming Video


Personally, I am a fan of role-playing or RPG video games even though I play other type games as well. You may like RPGs also. Consequently,  I was interested in the variety of role-playing games that will  be available for play on the brand new, state of the art, futuristic  PS5 video game console.


In accordance with my expectations -- Sony did not disappoint. Some of the role playing games that were shown included Project Athia, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and Horizon Forbidden West.There were other games shown; however, these RPGs stood out for me.


As a disclaimer --  Some of the video games displayed will not be available for purchase until 2021 or 2022.  Still, it was interesting to watch gameplays for current and upcoming video games for the PS5.


Drum Roll...Finally...The Appearance - Visual of the PS5 Video Game Console System


You will have to wait for it, but eventually, after watching the colorful and exciting video gameplays, it appears.  When I say "it"-- I’m referring to the next generation PlayStation -- The PS5. Instead of someone describing the features of the PS5 -- the video showed the Playstation 5 from various different angles while at the same time displaying some of the new capabilities that will be available.


By the way, I’m in the process of writing an ebook on one of the new features of the PS5. This feature has not gotten much press but my ebook should give it more visibility from an audio standpoint.  The feature is 3D audio which will be available for the PS5. Suffice it to say, I was glad to see that 3D audio was listed as one of the attributes of the new PS5 during the PS5 - The Future of Gaming Amazon prime video.




Assessment of PS5 - The Future of Gaming Video


Needless to say, I was impressed by this Amazon prime video, but there was a negative. Specifically, I think the PS5 video could have been just a tad shorter if the developers, publishers etc. were somehow pictured briefly at the top of their particular game screens -  instead of having whole scenes devoted to them. Most  of them just introduced  themselves and all said similar statements such as  “I can’t wait for you to experience  (name of video game here).”


However, this was a minor annoyance and overall I appreciated the creativity and imagination that went into this video. Even more importantly, I believe that Sony delivered a top notch video depicting the fascinating technical capabilities of the PS5 as well as its equally impressive add-ons or peripheral equipment. 


To Sony, I would like to say a meaningful -- “Well done.”


Note:This Amazon prime video did not mention a release date for the PS5.  Months later after this video, we now know that the release date for the PS5 will be November 12, 2020 in the U.S.


Rating of PS5 The Future of Gaming


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Amazon Prime Video --  PS5 The Future of Gaming -- 5 stars.


Note:  What are your thoughts on my review or about the PS5? Send your comments (Keep them positive) to me, Ms. H,  at my email address -- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  Thanks!




An Education - A Netflix Movie Review



an education lgIntroduction to the An Education Movie


The storyline of the 2009 movie, An Education, has been told many times over.  I think this movie is unique because it is set in another time period -- the 1960’s and from the time you start watching the movie - you are probably unaware of what the true problem is between the main characters. 


Synopsis of the An Education Movie


The draw of the movie An Education is that it is simply told and the storyline is probably easy to follow. The main gist of the movie is the seemingly huge decision a young girl must make between possibly beginning her studies at an ivy league university after high school -- or to realize her dreams involving traveling abroad now that could be made possible by her relationship with an established older man.


Underlying Subplot of the An Education Movie


Without giving the movie away, it looks like Jennifer Mellor played by Carey Mulligan who is a high school student has an even bigger problem on her hands than you may have initially perceived as you continue to watch the movie.  Of course it’s probably obvious that this problem revolves around her involvement with the older gentleman David Goldman as played by Peter Sarsgaard.  



Creativity in the Plot of the An Education Movie 


It is interesting to me that the parents of the main character, Jennifer Mellor appears to accept her relationship with David Goldman --  even though in the beginning there appeared to be some hesitation. In fact as the storyline continues -- the parents seemed to not only accept, but embrace Jennifer Mellor’s relationship with David Goldman.


The True Problem Revealed in the An Education Movie


I categorize the act of watching An Education movie as a simple one.  This is a movie you can watch without the steady bombardment of explosions, action scenes, twists and turns, etc. Instead, when you finish watching the movie, you will probably ask yourself, were there any clues given as to what the real problem was from the beginning of the story.

I watched this movie in one sitting and can attest that there were extenuating circumstances that may not alert you to the true problem. Hint: David Goldman had a long-term couple friends who more than likely knew what was going on all along -- but did not divulge it to Jennifer Mellor. 


Assessment of the An Education Movie


However, there is a saying that all’s well that end’s well -- which is the statement I will use to describe not only the storyline -- but the ending of the An Education movie as well. You will know what I mean if you watch the movie.


Rating of the An Education Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star and 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the An Education movie 5 stars.


The Hummingbird Project Netflix Movie Review

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Introduction to The Hummingbird Project Netflix Movie Review


How would you like to watch a movie where business deals of large corporations are revealed?  How about looking at a movie where one’s personal drive, ambition and determination can be admired, but in hindsight, something more important surfaces to the forefront? Or maybe you would like to simply just watch an exciting dramatic movie.  If so, then you may want to check out The Hummingbird Project movie now showing on Netflix.  




Synopsis of The Hummingbird Project Netflix Movie


You may recall the saying that the love of money is the root of all evil. Keep this saying in mind if you watch the 2018 Canadian-Belgian movie, The Hummingbird Project. The plot of this movie involves [unscrupulous] people constructing what some would say are extraordinary long pipes that run underground  from one state to the next with the purpose of using technology in an attempt to get an upper hand on the stock market trade. 


You may find out that the quest to become ultra-rich is the impetus behind those involved in The Hummingbird Project. Or is it? Could it be that this movie is imparting a deeper message that debunks this premise? Once you watch The Hummingbird Project, you will know what I’m talking about.


Acting Abilities of the Main Characters in The Hummingbird Project Movie


From the beginning of the movie, you will probably notice that Jesse Eisenberg who plays the lead character of Vincent Zaleski is strongly driven to complete this humongous task of establishing underground pipes as mentioned above for The Hummingbird Project. Of course there are other actors who are involved in the storyline as well -- namely Alexander Skarsgard as Anton Zaleski, the programmer-engineer and Salma Hayek as Eva Torres, the owner of this large corporation who is suspicious of the aforenamed characters. However, time and time again the focus will turn back to Jesse Eisenberg's character and what he is going through in order to not only get this project complete but who faces other problems as well.


In my opinion, I think having Jesse Eisenberg as the main focus of the movie was a good strategy even though several other characters have strong parts.  In fact, a movie probably could have been made from the standpoint of Alexander Skarsgard who played the part of  Anton Zaleski. But having Jesse Eisenberg as the main character may keep your interest in the storyline more so due to his  seemingly intense drive to get this project first of all started and completed in addition to watching personal obstacles he experiences during the movie.


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Realism of The Hummingbird Project Netflix Movie


After you watch The Hummingbird Project, you may wonder if the events in this movie actually happened. I will leave this for you to research.  However, if you have the inclination to check further in The Hummingbird Project -- that act of choosing to check on the validity of this project alone -- attests to the realism of the movie plot.


Comedy in The Hummingbird Project Movie


With the above being said, there was a negative in the movie.  Spoiler Alert: For example, it looked like the writer decided to copy the playbook of the classic Princess Bride movie scenes where one of the characters came face to face with his adversary -- and instead of fighting -- he did an about face and ran in the opposite direction. 

This happens when Anton Zaleski meets certain people and instantly turns around and runs away from them. I think this scene could have been omitted, unless the director was trying to show a lighter side of the movie. However, even if that was the case, my opinion is that the  chase scene was  unnecessary content to the movie. Instead, the FBI agents could have showed up at his door and proceeded to do what happened in the movie.


Assessment of The Hummingbird Project Movie



I believe The Hummingbird Project will keep your interest. You may be torn between the ethical ramifications of this project, or you may become interested in the characters themselves.

For me, the movie tethered upon being a dramatic business-corporation movie as well as one based on deep emotions, especially when you find out what happens to one of the characters towards the end of the story --  once the project gets underway. 


That being said, there is a part of the movie where you will probably sense the struggle between Jesse Eisenberg’s drive to complete the project while at the same time facing a personal battle of his own. This struggle  culminated in what may be a strong takeaway lesson for you or the most important message of The Hummingbird Project movie. To give you a hint -- sometimes what is perceived to be truly important to someone can change in an instant -- sometimes depending on extenuating circumstances and the situation at hand.



Rating of The Hummingbird Project Movie



Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate The Hummingbird Project 5 stars. 


on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate The Hummingbird Project 5 stars.  

The Queen's Gambit - A Netflix Original Series




If you have been searching for a Netflix series that may be worth your time, then I have a suggestion for you.  Check out The Queen's Gambit. This is a seven episode Netflix original series where you can enjoy quality casting, acting, scenery, storyline and overall atmosphere.  An added bonus is you may be able to take something away from it -- or you may watch this series for sheer entertainment value.

Synopsis of The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series

The Queen’s Gambit limited series is set in the 1960’s and center around a character who initially realized her talent and passion in what some would consider a desolate place -- an orphanage for girls.  There is a backstory which I will not divulge here. However, on a brighter note, the main character, Elizabeth Harmon, played by  Anya Taylor-Joy is eventually adopted and continues to excel at her craft which extends to international levels.

Suspense in The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series

The Queen’s Gambit may keep your interest because there is no clear-cut way for you to predict what will happen to this championship chess player.  As you watch this series, several questions may come to mind. For example, since Elizabeth Harmon started playing at an early age -- will she outgrow the chess challenges or will she veer to another path -- similar to other championship chess players? Will her talents wane as she grows older, or will they get better with time? Watch The Queen's Gambit and find out the answers to these questions and more.

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Subplot of The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series

Coming from a dire family background, you may question how Elizabeth Harmon handles her personal problems, including inter-relationships with others.  At the core of the story is her seemingly dependence on substances including pills and alcohol that she unfortunately use as props or ways to cope. Along these lines, I think The Queen's Gambit showed a balance between her excelling at playing chess as well as the numerous emotional hurdles she had to face and overcome.

Assessment of The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series

The lure of The Queen’s Gambit series is you do not have to be a chess player or a chess enthusiast to enjoy watching it.  Even though the focus of the series is the main character’s superior chess playing skills, The Queen's Gambit will pull you into what went on in her life outside of playing chess, as well as the people she met and interacted with along the way.

Regardless of what you take from The Queen's Gambit Netflix series, I’m sure in addition to being entertained, you may learn life lessons-- even though the story is fictional.  Personally, I admired her resilience and persistence in becoming the best at her craft without having an abundance of female role models to follow.  

There are some sad, low parts of the story but as you watch each episode leading to the last one, I think overall, you will be satisfied with how The Queen's Gambit series ended.

Rating of The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate The Queen’s Gambit Netflix Original Series 5 stars.




High Score Netflix Docuseries Review


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Introduction to High Score Netflix Docuseries Review

You’ve probably seen many documentaries, movies, etc. regarding video games. However, the High Score Netflix docuseries is not to be overlooked. You are bound to discover news about video games that you didn’t already know -- including information on visionary people who not only pioneered games but who also took video games to a higher level.

Premise of the High Score Netflix Docuseries

You possibly can tell by the name of this series -- High Score -- that the 6 part series will include video game tournament winners. Not only was this done, but this docuseries went further historically to take you back to the start of the video game industry.  

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Pros of High Score Netflix Docuseries

 --Sequence of Video Game Events

I believe this Netflix docuseries did an excellent job chronologically of presenting how video games originated as well as the people who made contributions to the industry -- some well known -- some not. For example, you may not know that Jerry Lawson, an African American, came up with the idea of the first multi-gaming video game system including the concept of being able to play various different video games using a single console.

--How the VIdeo Game industry Evolved

The High Score Netflix docuseries excel by informing the audience about how video games got started in the first place. The Netflix docuseries adequately explained how the technology available at that time was used to its capability -- those involved not knowing about the fantastic advances video games would make in the future.

--Inspiration for Video Games 

Some of my favorite parts of the docuseries were scenes that showed how certain games came into existence from the video game creators.  For example, did you know there were at least 2 other designs for a fast running video game character by Sega before the video game figure became known as Sonic the Hedgehog? This was news to me.

This leads to my next Pro of the High Score Netflix Docuseries - How imagination and utmost creativity were the foundation of video games.

--Creative Video Game Output Affected by the Times

During the High Score Netflix docuseries, you will see a lot of images in 8 and 16 bit -- which is a far cry from how some video games look today. You may realize the constraints the early video game pioneers faced -- through no fault of their own. They simply had to work and produce video games using whatever technology was available at the time.

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Cons of High Score Netflix Movie Review

--Reenactments of Events for the Netflix Film

I think having the people recognized reenact their accomplishments was unnecessary.  For example, during the docuseries you will notice several instances where they pretend to recreate their video games.  Instead, I believe it would have been beneficial for them to discuss their contributions to video games.

--Omission of Positives of Gaming

The Netflix docuseries include congressional hearings, etc. about the violence of some video games.  As a counter, footage should have been shown to show that violent video games do not lead to violent behavior. In other words, there should have been a balance during the section discussing violent video games that emphasized the positives vice the negative aspects of video games.

--Lack of  Disclaimers

You may notice that some well-known video games were discussed; however, there are multitudes of other games that were not mentioned. This possible oversight could have been resolved by simply displaying a statement on the screen stating to the effect that only selected video games were picked for the Netflix docuseries and that there are countless others that deserve recognition.

--Narrow Location Focus for the Video Game Industry

You may think that only the United States and Japan were involved in the early days of video gaming based on this docuseries.  However, I’m sure other areas were working on video games as well.  Again, a disclaimer would have been appropriate to show.

The Pros Outweigh the Cons on the High Score Netflix Docuseries

With the above being said, overall, I think you will enjoy watching the High Score Netflix docuseries. You more than likely will learn something new about video games and the talented people involved.  You will probably also appreciate the significant advances gaming have made since those early days.  

Rating of the High Score Netflix Docuseries

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate High Score Netflix Docuseries 5 stars.


Hi! What is your opinion of the Netflix High Score docuseries?  I want to hear from you! Email your comments to me, Ms. H at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Thanks!




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