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Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 11 TV Show Review by Ms. H - Creativity Kudos for Storyline Format

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Introduction to Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11 TV Show Review by Ms. H


Since the  Blindspot television series is about solving crimes, there are many ways that can be used to reveal that a crime has taken place -- all of which should of course be linked to one or more of Jane’s tattoos. In this episode, a writer is destroyed and it just so happens that the FBI group, including Jane is included in his unfinished book.  The author was destroyed before the book was completed and the FBI team thinks the guilty person is revealed in the book. Enter the interrogations, questions, guesses, hunches etc. on who committed the crime. Interesting enough, there were no links to any of Jane Doe's tattoos.

Scenario of Book-Based Events in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11

This episode started with the destruction of a writer of a book where the FBI characters, including Jane Doe were depicted.  The scene abruptly changes to one based on the unfinished book throughout the story. This is the creative aspect of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11. Unfortunately,  I found this method to be distracting rather than entertaining. A plus was these type scenes only lasted a few minutes at the most. There are missing characters in the author's book which include the true culprit.  Once this guilty person appears on the show, there are no longer references back to the unfinished book.



Jane Doe’s Physical Condition in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11

Looks like there may be dire consequences if a cure is not found soon for Jane’s condition. The positive side is she was able to capture the guilty party during this episode. The downside is this story ends with Jane in the hospital, suffering from her condition.  I guess the writer has to make her condition worse -- before she gets better. We all know that Jane Doe or Jaimie Alexander’s character is central to the Blindspot TV show -- so it will be interesting to find out how a cure for her condition is finally found.

Assessment of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11

I found this eleventh episode of Blindspot, Season 4 to be the least entertaining since the new season 4 started.  There was the humdrum (boring) side story of Zapata, the ex-FBI agent, being captured, then saved, then released to meet with someone who was not there when she got to the meeting place.  By the way, the meeting place was -- you guessed it -- an abandoned

warehouse. To me, Zapata's story is just filler, so if you have something else to do while watching this part of the show, you will not miss much. In other words, feel free to treat Zapata's part like a commercial until the main story concerning Jane returns.

My recommendation is for Jane Doe’s cure  be found quickly so she can get back to being the action star that she is -- not one who is wallowing in self-pity, but one who is triumphant in her fight against crime.  Hopefully this change will be coming soon.


Rating of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 11


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rank Blindspot, Season 4 Episode 11, Two (2) stars.

Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H - Season 4, Episode 8 - Show Tanks - Too Many Plots - Lots of Flashbacks

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Introduction to Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H - Season 4, Episode 8

It may be time for the Blindspot TV show to find new writers if the show continues to air even though the show is taped. Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 8’s premise is mostly plenty of flashbacks that I’ve seen in previous shows -- with really no additional new information. Here’s this episode’s plot playbook.  Point 1 -- Jaimie Alexander’s character Jane is really Remi. Point 2 -- The investigators have been working to find a cure for her “brain malfunction.” Point 3 -- Another catastrophe is about to happen -- which is really not one after all.  

Jaimie Alexander’s Role as Remi instead of Jane

As the “bad guy” Remi -- Jaimie Alexander’s character is having less screen time as the action focuses on the FBI’s efforts first to thwart a nuclear alarm -- then try to find a way to recall it after it turns out to be false.  Looks like a writer-come-lately probably watched previous episodes and then came up with this idea to add content to the show. But wait … it gets worse. Jaimie Alexander’s character Remi seems to be having bad headaches due to her ailment so during some scenes, she will appear as double images on the screen.  I guess having her just raise her hand to her head and frowning is not enough. The amateurish blurred special effects were totally unnecessary.

Incongruent Plots in BlindSpot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 8

This episode of Blindspot has actions that went into too many different directions.  On one hand you have an ex-FBI agent who requires subtitles because she is talking in a foreign language in front of her so-called partner who initially was her boss. Then you have the false nuclear alarm scenario  that I mentioned above. On top of that, you have the reappearance of Roman, who I thought was out of the picture -- but Remi keeps thinking that she sees him when he is not really there. I recall that in In a previous Blindspot episode, she told him to go away.  Interesting enough in this episode she indicates she needs his advice.

The most absurd incident is the car crash caused by Remi as she angrily fires directly at the car driven by her husband.  The special effects of the car turning over with him inside is comical as you see images of glass pieces in front of a still in-tact front windshield.  By the way, Remi/Jane’s husband was back at work within a few minutes with nary a scratch showing or treatment from injuries as a result of the accident. Even more unbelievable is he had the strength to put the hacker in cuffs -- at the scene of the accident right after the crash.



Dialogue in the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 8

Some of the script in this episode could have used a rewrite.  In one case, Jaimie Alexander’s character barks at Shepherd to stand up like a soldier -- as if to be a soldier all it takes is to stand up.  Then in the next scene, she gets a fake facetime message from Roman on her phone. By this time, Shepard is lying on some crates and Jaimie Alexander tells Shepard to rest after she had previously told her to stand up.  The “stand up like a soldier” dialogue could have been omitted.

Also, there is a scene where a meeting with the drug cartel leader of sorts  takes place with the ex-FBI agent and her boss/partner. First he threatens to destroy them if they waste his time.  Initially, he did not agree with their plan, and I guess he forgot what he said he would do, because he was getting ready to just get up from his chair to leave -- even though it looked like they wasted his time after all.  As expected, he eventually agrees with the actions discussed.

Screen Time of the FBI Investigator  The Comic Relief One)

Too much screen time was given to the comic relief FBI investigator.  On the previous episode his one liners were humorous -- but on this episode they fell short.  There was what I would describe as a disastrous scene where he is sitting opposite his romantic interest, the hacker and pretends that he will be arrested for helping Remi -- which of course did not happen. This was more wasted screen time that did not move the story along -- even though the story seemed to be going in all kinds of directions.

Assessment of the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

Unfortunately, Jaimie Alexander’s character as the bad guy do not seem to be working out.  Her idea of an angry face is to look like a stone-faced zombie while clenching her teeth. For the sake of the show, I recommend they quickly bring Jaimie Alexander’s original character Jane back and dispense with her acting as Remi.  Regarding my rating -- Due to of the many disjointed actions, scenarios and nonsensical dialogue/script in Blindspot TV show, Season 4, Episode 8, I will be giving it a lower rating than the previous episode.

Rating of Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

Based on a rating of  1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 7  -- 1 ½ stars.

Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10 TV Show Review by Ms. H - Yay! Jane is Back - Remi is Gone -- But….

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Introduction to Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10 TV Show Review by Ms. H

There is a “But” in the title of my Blindspot tv show review because even though Jane Doe seems to be cured of her memory problems -- she can now remember her alter-ego Remi as well as her own memories.  On top of that, the huge elephant in the room is that Jane Doe may have her memories back but she is still terminal because of the pharmaceuticals she was given. As can be expected, the main focus of this episode is to find a cure for Jaimie Alexander’s character, Jane Doe.

Plots of Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10

In addition to Jane Doe’s memory situation, there is a secondary plot dealing with the ex-FBi agent who went “rogue”  but who was eventually caught. In my opinion, this is one of the most wasted segments of the show -- watching the ex-FBI agent spin webs of untruths to another FBI agent who was once involved with her.  Oddly enough, even though everyone knows of their prior relationship -- he is allowed to question her. This is unlikely to happen in real life, but this is afterall a TV show.

Twists and Turns in Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10

There are plenty of twists and turns in this episode -- including the fate of a cure for Jane Doe’s condition.  The story goes on to show how the inventor of the cure is living remotely and somehow created a fully operational lab and even more unbelievably --  came up with a cure for Jane. To me, it’s interesting how everyone involved seemed to have found out, first of all that the inventor was still alive, and second -- where she was “hiding out” -- almost all at the same time. Again, as expected for a tv show of this type -- an altercation occurred and the good guys got the best of the bad guys.

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Assessment of Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10

This episode seems to be full of revelations or the unfolding of what actually happened -- even though tv viewers were led to believe some other actions occurred.  To me, this can be described as reveals of sorts -- however, in reality it seemed to be someone trying to come up with new story ideas for Blindspot on the fly.

The above being said, the dramatic fire that destroyed the cure for Jane was the highlight of the show. Of course, the writer can come up with other scenarios regarding a cure; however it was due to the events surrounding Jane that enabled  Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 10 to earn a relative high rating from me. The reduction from a 5 star rating to 4 is because of the uninteresting events surrounding the ex-FBi agent -- that unfortunately do not seem to be going away.

Rating of Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 10

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot TV show, Season 4, Episode 10  -- four (4) stars.


Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H, Season 4, Episode 7 - Jaimie Alexander Rebounds in the Spotlight

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Introduction to Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H, Season 4, Episode 7

I watched this episode with the expectation that Jaimie Alexander’s character would be placed even further in the background.  I was smiling by the end of the first segment as there were action scenes involving -- wait for it -- Jaimie Alexander. Of course, she was partnered with her husband, but the show starts off on the right foot by placing her front and center.

Storylines in the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

The show includes scenarios involving the ex-FBI agent as well as the seemingly secret search by the FBI investigators to find a cure for Jaimie Alexander’s character.  There were a few funny one liners from one of the investigators in this episode. Also, Jaimie Alexander’s husband finally realizes that she is not really Jane but Remi -- thanks to footage from a camera that revealed she took money -- which Jane would never have done.

Jaimie Alexander is Finally Showcased on the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

A welcome change is to see Jaimie Alexander getting more screen time even though she has revealed that she is really Remi -- insead of Jane.  There is an element of suspense with a heist going on as well as the question of how much of Jane is still in Remi.

Puzzles in the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

A negative in the show is how what seems to be unrelated images forms a puzzle which propels the investigators where to start their search..  This is prevalent with the two FBI investigators looking for a cure for Jaimie Alexander’s character. The puzzle starts off with a computer program, extending to pictures of turtles, moving on to the initials of the images -- then the colors they are wearing.  Of course this is TV, so there is license to stretch the truth -- but sometimes these answers that suddenly appear seems to be far-fetched.




No Cliffhanger in the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

Going against the usual routine -- there was no cliffhanger as shown in the previous episodes. Unfortunately, Roman who was destroyed has returned, appearing on screen giving Jaimie Alexander advice -- which she does not seem to accept.  Hopefully, he will not appear in other episodes -- but, this is possible.

Assessment of the Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7


I enjoyed watching this episode, mainly because Jaimie Alexander (or probably stunt people) got to be in action scenes, not once, but twice.  I would rate this show higher except for the puzzles as well as the side story of the ex-FBI agent’s story in the show -- which was more of a distraction than entertaining. Also a negative was the reappearance of Roman.  However, overall, the positives outweigh the negatives -- which is a plus for this episode.

Rating of Blindspot TV Show, Season 4, Episode 7

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot TV show, Season 4, Episode 7 -- 4 stars.

Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9 TV Show Review by Ms. H - Show Redeemed Itself with Escape Room Angle Focusing on Jaimie Alexander’s Character - Jane Doe


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Introduction to Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9 TV Show Review by Ms. H

If you saw the movie Escape Room or similar movies,  this episode may bring those movies to mind. Similar to the Escape Room movie, Jane Doe has to solve puzzles in order to get out of the room.  Her partner in the “escape room” is her husband. Or is he really her husband? You'll find out what I’m talking about if you watch this episode.

The catch here is the escape room scenarios are all happening in Jane Doe’s brain as she undergoes a medical procedure to restore her memory of the true Jane who seeks to replace Remi - her evil alter- ego.

Scary Movie Scenes in Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9

I was not a fan of the writer/director trying to add a “scary movie” vibe to this episode, which of course all happens in Jane’s brain. There was a disconnect with Jane’s brother Roman who at first appeared as sort of a monster, chasing her; however, in the next minute or so, he is soothingly talking to her as they sat across a table from each other. There was a previous scene dealing with a scary little girl; however, she had a connection with Jaimie Alexander’s character.

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Jaimie Alexander Finally Takes Center Stage in Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9

Even with the misstep described above, Jaimie Alexander was at the center of the action and drama.  The complete story revolved around how she finally separated herself from Remi. There was a side plot dealing with the deceitful ex-FBI agent. She was subsequently apprehended and taken in by handcuffs by the FBI.


That being said,  it has been awhile since Jaimie Alexander’s presence dominated almost all of the scenes, including the action ones -- which was a huge plus for this episode.

Puzzle Solving Skills in Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9

As mentioned previously, bringing Jane back from being Remi played out like an escape room. However, this show was entertaining not only because of the escapre room angle, but eventually this set up was abandoned and returned to the show's usual playbook -- i.e. solving puzzles that lead to clues which in turn lead to answers.  The interesting part here was that during the dream sequence, Jane had to use all her faculties and puzzle solving strengths to figure out what was going on since she was not with the team.

Even though the team mentioned they would be around whenever she needed them in the dream, I think it was smart to have her literally imitate the puzzle-solving techniques that would have been used by the team to lead her to the next step and ultimately sort of away from Remi. I use “sort of” because during the dream sequence, Jane mentioned that she knew that Remi

did some good deeds and that really they were one and the same.  I think this was an opener inserted by the writer to leave the door open maybe for Remi to return at some other time or in some fashion.

Assessment of Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9

Blindspot has been on hiatus for the past few weeks.  When the show returned, I was curious as to how they would depict Jaimie Alexander -- either on the outside looking in -- or on the inside where all the action and story were taking place.  They chose the latter -- which was the right choice and was a long time coming.

I also liked the creativity used in this episode where actions occurring in Jane’s brain formed the basis for the story. Will this trend of focusing on the main star, Jaimie Alexander continue in future episodes? I guess we will just  have to wait and see.

Rating of Blindspot - Season 4, Episode 9

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 9 five (5) stars.



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