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Blindspot TV Review - Season 3, Episode 11 - Jane Doe Gets Caught in Twists and Turns


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Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 11 starts off with a huge twist in the story that centers around Jane Doe and her daughter.  Because of the constant changing of the storyline, the writers show various flashbacks to bring you up to date, just in case you are not clear on what is happening.

In this episode, I like how Jane Doe seems to take control of the situations, even though she is paired back with her husband by her boss.  There is a triangle of power here, especially when Jane suggests that her previous romantic interest be part of the team.  Of course it is highly unlikely for the FBI to hire a total stranger based upon the word of someone who herself did not know who she was a while back.  But it happened. So Jane Doe is part of a team that is made up of her husband as well as her friend. I don’t think her husband was believable as the jealous husband, so he needs to work on that aspect of his acting.

In this episode of Blindspot, Jane Doe, Jaimie Alexander’s character is not quite the center of attention but a great deal of the story revolves around her, since her daughter is involved. However, for the most part, the actions in this episode are predictable. There was the bomb rescue again as well as the second sub-story going on.  I will continue to review Blindspot with the hope that something really dramatic happens that involves Jane Doe to keep my interest.


Blindspot Season 3, Episode 11  devoted the majority of its time slot to Jane Doe, and for that reason, I will be scoring it higher than the last episode.  However, the predictability  level of the story was high and there was a lack of suspense.  By the way, the story ended again with a phone call from -- guess who -- Jane Doe’s brother, just as it has in a  few of the other episodes. Unfortunately, if the Blindspot TV series does not change in storylines, future reviews may not have a much higher rating than this one.  In the meantime, I will keep my fingers crossed that more exciting storylines are in the works. Just a reminder to the writers to try to fit Jane Doe’s tattoos in the storylines which was not done in this episode.

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot Season 3 Episode 11 two (2) stars.

Blindspot - A TV Show Review, Season 3, Episode 8 - Jaimie Alexander's Role Diminishes

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First the good:  Hooray for Jane Doe. She finally speaks up with authority at a tme when a decision has to be made about a deptive suspect.  Even though it took a while for this scene to occur, it looks like Jaimie Alexander’s character is in the midst of helping to concoct a plan to expose the guilty party.


I applaud the writers for showing that Jaimie Alexander’s character has brains in addition to brawn.  As the events unfurl in Blindspot Season 3, Episode 8, Jaimie Alexander has a lot to say about the suspected assailant -- including how to outsmart this person.

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Now the bad: It  looks like story ideas are getting a little thin as the plot centers around the FBI characters themselves.  This is not a problem, but it seems improbable that out of the blue one of their most renowned investigators - Patterson -- becomes an accused murderer. Yes..Go figure. Additionally, it seems as if most of the FBI bureau of main actors are guilty of criminal activity, or may be hiding something.

Once again, the story does not center around Jaimie Alexander’s character, Jane Doe.  In this episode, as well as the previous other episodes, she is in the TV show, but is not an integral part of the action. You may think  that Jaimie Alexander has a great  solo action scene towards the end of this episode -- but her husband has an even bigger scene that makes Jaimie Alexander's action scene forgettable.


Since I did not notice any difference in this episode relative to showcasing Jaimie Alexander as the female action star,  my rating of Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 8 remains at 1 ¾ stars.




Blindspot - A TV Show Review, Season 3, Episode 10 - Jaimie Alexander’s Character Has a Setback


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Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10 Introduction


Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10 begins with a flashback concerning refugees in Sudan.

Because of the various storylines involving Jane Doe, Jaimie Alexander’s character, there are numerous flashbacks throughout this episode. Somehow due to TV magic, out of the blue, Jane Doe’s brother is right there with the refugees overseas after they are told by a questionable person of interest they can immigrate to the U.S.


Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10 Flashbacks and Storylines


Personally, I am not a fan of the chance meetings and coincidences in Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10.  Also suspect is how in one minute the FBI can have a gun fight with assailants, at least one is left and the FBI does not go after the suspect.   Strange but true in this episode of Blindspot.

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During this episode, Jane Doe meets another possible partner in her resolve to live separately from her husband because of what he did. It looks like Jane Doe may have some indiscretions of her own, especially involving someone she worked with previously. In fact, with so many secrets, meetings, and chance events, it’s a wonder the newlyweds (Jane Doe and her husband)  are still married.

I think this episode was not realistic because everything was handled and seemed to be come to a head at the same time.   However, I have to give kudos to Jane Doe for at least acting less impulsive than her partner while disarming a bomb. By the way, It’s par for the course for a bomb to be disarmed in most of the episodes.

Since there are so many storylines in the Blindspot TV series, it is not difficult for writers to find a way to link one character to the other.  For example Jane Doe’s daughter was in contact with her brother which involved an exchange of money that they “smartly” transacted out in the open, and in view of cameras.


Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10 Rating



In my opinion, there were instances where Jane Doe made appearances and said a few lines, but the TV show does not revolve exclusively around her. For this reason, I’m rating Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10 lower than the previous one. Just when I thought Blindspot  was moving forward in the right direction by showcasing Jaimie Alexander’s character as the main star as well as the female action star,  there was a setback in Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 10.  Hopefully she will reclaim her prominence as a TV action star and rebound in subsequent episodes. For now, I guess we will have to wait and see.

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars, with five stars being the best, I rate Blindspot TV show 1 ¼ stars.  


Blindspot TV Show Review, Season 3, Episode 7 -- Jaimie Alexander Goes Deeper in the Shadows


It was bound to happen. Blindspot Season 3, Episode 7 starts off with a flashback of the associate who was destroyed and the show ultimately revealed the guilty assailant. The circumstances upon which this occurs is a little sketchy since it seemed unlikely for the victim’s boss to inadvertently stop by his residence.  That being said, this episode must have been made out of sequence, since I noticed that Jane has shorter hair. Of course, maybe she forgot to put on her extensions.  However, Blindspot continues to bring interesting episodes, some far-fetched -- some not. If only they would incorporate Jaimie Alexander’s character more to be an up-front, take charge female action star on the tv series.

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Jamie Alexander’s roles and dialogue in this episode  once again is minimal.  The show this time revolves around a crooked Hirst, who is the boss of the investigators.  Looks like it’s time for Hirst's 15 minutes of fame to be over, as certain criminal activities forged by her are revealed in this episode.  Unfortunately, Jaimie Alexander’s role is to follow her husband around and hang on for her part of the story dealing with her “lost” daughter.

I give the TV show Blindspot credit for coming up with inventive, imaginative crimes; however, the one depicted in episode 7 may lend itself to a possible scare.  For example, how would you like to think the water source has been toxified in the interest of hosting a virus, in order to require the administer of a drug -- all because of the greediness of ruthless drug owners? Quite scary.

Jaimie Alexander has the habit of letting her husband, the other FBI agent go first while she follows -- which is not a good look.  Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 7 can be categorized as a crime drama -- however, to describe it as a crime drama starring a female action star, aka Jaimie Alexander is becoming more and more unbelievable.


To add to  Jaimie Alexander’s remaining in the background, another new female actor appeared in this episode which lessened her chances even more of getting screen time. I also noticed when there was a sharp turn in events, her husband called the other investigator first -- then called Jaimie Alexander followed by the others. Even in receiving important phone calls, poor Jaimie Alexander has to take 2nd place.  Since Jaimie Alexander’s character continues to hide deeper in the shadows, I rate Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 7, One and one-half (1 ½ ) stars.

Blindspot - A TV Show Review, Season 3, Episode 9 -- Jaimie Alexander Makes a Comeback -- Sort of


blindspot2The Blindspot TV show got serious quickly in this episode.  There are lots of dramatic events surrounding Jaimie Alexander's character, Jane Doe and information about her absentee daughter who was initiallly unknown to her.  But that’s not all.  Something even more dramatic happened with her daughter that unfortunately, seemed to have involved her husband.

There is a rift between Jane and her husband because of the situation above, which in my opinion is a good thing.  Since Jaimie Alexander's character is refusing to work as closely as before with her husband, she is showing a great deal of independence which suits her.

I especially liked the interchange she and her husband had during a stand-up meeting with the other staffers. Jaimie Alexander’s character was upset about what transpired and is unable to keep her emotions and job duties separate. I thought it was creative for the writer to have Jaimie Alexander have a heated argument with her husband that was relative to their work, but also related to the personal problem she was having with him.


Even though it was suggested she not get involved with the latest caper, she insisted doing so to keep her mind off what she just found out. I think it was a smart decision for Jaimie Alexander's character to stay on the job.  There are several storylines in this episode, each having a fair dose of suspense with a few humorous scenes thrown in -- not from Jaimie Alexander's character, but from the other actors which helped the show to be entertaining.

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My problem with Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 9, is even though Jaimie Alexander is the action star, the writer and director are having her husband perform the exciting acts involving saving an area from danger.  That being said, since Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 9 had several stories being told simultaneously, the events involving Jamie Alexander’s character were the ones that kept my interest.  By the way, if you watch this episode, you will see a surprise ending that will have you on the edge of your seat.

I found this episode to have an adequate number of action scenes for Jaimie Alexander.  She was at the forefront of the plot, but since the greatest heroic actions were done by someone other than herself, I will not be rating this episode high; however my rating is higher than the one I provided for Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 8. As the action star of this TV show, Jaimie Alexander should stand out more instead of being viewed and treated as a sidekick.  Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the best, I rate Blindspot, Season 3, Episode 9, two and one-half (2 ½) stars.


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