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Mom's Minute 02-23-2015

  • Monday, 23 February 2015
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 137th episode. She discusses the video game she played which is Life is Strange that she played on her PlayStation 4.  Unfortunately, this game did not fare too well with Ms. H, even though she enjoyed the sound effects.  Lively discussion followed on Ms. H's choice for the celebrity gamer of the week -- which she chose to be Samuel L. Jackson. She chose him as the alternative to Ice Cube and entertains the idea of featuring possibly Mark Hamil from Star Wars as an upcoming celebrity gamer of the week.  Ms. H talked about her video game field trip to ICS Computers where she was in a quest to get her PlayStation Vita repaired.  Prior to her video game field trip, Ms. H informs everyone that relative to her discussion of Radio Shack closing some of its stores during a previous show, some stores are remaining open as evidenced by her visit to one in another area.  Ms. H discusses new video game releases and the news which include a celebrity working on a video game as well as a video game research center being established in California. Also in the news was the notice that a new video game called Bedlam will be released during the summer of 2015.  After coming from a successfull kickstarter; however, it is doubtful if the developers will be in a rush to get the video game completed by the stated timeframe.  Prior to Ms. H's  special original saying she shared a message from Dr. Oliver Sacks, the author of "The Awakening" book as well as other literary works - which had the gist of saying that we are unique -- each of us while we also share many similarities as well.  Ms. H rounds out the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special original saying that it is important to treat others kind because even though some people may not remember exactly what you said to them, they will remember how you made them feel.

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