Introduction to Black Desert Online: A Ms. H Video Game Review
I was pleasantly surprised at what awaited me when I downloaded the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Player Game (MMORG) Black Desert Online. Black Desert Online was different from the video game I imagined it would be. I've played quite a few MMORGs and was ready to experience the same type video gaming experience as I did before. However, I quickly realized Black Desert Online wants to be clear that it is not your ordinary, run of the mill MMORG video game. Here are my thoughts and views of the Black Desert Online video game.
Video Game Customizations in Black Desert Online Video Game
It didn't take me long to find out that one of the many high points of playing Black Desert Online was the customizations. In fact, I spent an inordinate amount of time first of all on naming my characters -- then customizing them to the Nth degree. There were numerous choices of how I could customize my video game characters which included not only the facial features and body types, but also the horoscopes and other aspects that were provided to me.
There was a minor downside to my customizations. When I logged back in to play Black Desert Online, I discovered the specific character I customized was tied to a particular server. Of course I had not made note of the server I chose, so I was unable to retrieve my customized character. No problem. All I had to do was to pick another server, customize another video game character and be sure to use the same server to bring her back up.
I believe I customized about two or three characters before I decided that it was time to get into actually playing the video game. When i concentrated my efforts on playing the video game, instead of using my customized characters, I decided to use the character that was provided in the game with no customizations whatsoever. That's not to say that I will not maybe later retrieve my customized character and play the game from her vantage point.
Graphics in Black Desert Online Video Game
At first glance, Black Desert Online graphics had the cookie-cutter look of other similar type video games. However, some of the close-up rendering of the enviornment was quite impressive, and appeared to look realistic.
Choices in Black Desert Online Video Game
The developers, in my opinion, did not economize when it came to giving gamers choices when playing the Black Desert Online video game. In addition to the wide variety of customization features available for the video game characters, there were numerous choices within the video game itself. As I completed quests and other adventures, I was given options to interact with other video game characters in the game by simply pushing the "R" key. There were many other choices as well throughout the video gameplay.
If I was stuck in some way in the video game or needed help, I could summon the assistant called the Black Spirit by simply pressing the comma key on my laptop. The assistant would appear as a black flowing cloud with red dots for eyes to instruct me on what I could do. Interesting enough, I found out if I summoned the assistant while I was in combat with enemies, this assistant was not immune and could get temporarily destroyed.
Black Desert Online
Violence and Gore in Black Desert Online Video Game
Speaking of enemies, many of the quests in Black Desert Online video game involved fighting or destroying enemies. Some of the enemies included grass beetles, weasels and other creatures. I think it was creative how the developers would oftentimes camouflage these enemy creatures in the foilage and other areas where sometimes they were not easily visible. A negative was the blood splatters in this video game which I am not a fan. I think the video game would be even more enjoyable to play if there were no blood splatters in these battles.
Leveling Up in Black Desert Online Video Game
I think leveling up in Black Desert online was not difficult. When I reached level 10, I was no longer considered a beginner in the tutorial stage. As I leveled up, I begin to notice other aspects of the video game. For example, I noticed the attention to detail in the environment as well as other video game players' characters in the game. There was also the usual dialogue among players appearing and scrolling sometimes on the left side of the screen.
I was leery of being tempted to get loyalty points by logging on to the video game Black Desert Online daily. For the first two or three days, I gave in to signing in daily, and in turn boosted up my loyalty points. However, I still limited my video game playing time. I resisted the urge to log on to Black Desert Online for loyalty points as I did other things instead of playing this video game. My caution is to not get lured into having this video game take up a lot of your time by playing it for long periods of time, not only because of the temptation of the loyalty points, but also because Black Desert Online is such a fun video game to play. As I've cautioned you before -- always strike a balance between playing video games and doing other real-life non-video game activities.
Black Desert Online
Assessment of Black Desert Online Video Game
In my opinion, Black Desert Online is a video game that is worth your time playing in moderation. I think you will enjoy the different type environments and the feeling that you are actually a part of this video game world and making video game accomplishments. There are lots of quests you can choose to take as well different adventures you can embark upon. Black Desert Online video game will keep your interest in part because of the wide variety of characters and the real-world look of the video game backdrop as well as the various missions and quests. As with most online video games, there is also an online forum you can consult as required if you need help in getting to the next level or getting further into the video game.
Black Desert Online
I believe I would have rated Black Desert Online higher if the blood splatters were eliminated, if it was easier to get the video game launched in the first place and if the characters retained their customizations once you got a far-away view of them in action, if profanity in the video game was eliminated and on top of all this if there were no instances where the server timed out during the game play. When this happened, I had to start playing the video game all over again. That being said, I think the positives of the Desert Online video game far outweigh the negatives.
Rating of Black Desert Online Video Game
On a scale of 1 star to 10 stars, with 1 star being the lowest and 10 stars being the highest, I rate Black Desert Online video game 8 stars.
Availability of Black Desert Online Video Game
Black Desert Online is a buy-to-play video game developed by Pearl Abyss and is playable on the PC.