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Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H, Season 4, Episode 1 - Jaimie Alexander Returns -- Big Time!

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Introduction to Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 1 TV Show Review by Ms. H


Due to poor viewer experience on my part, I discontinued watching Blindspot awhile back.  When I found out it was returning on October 12, 2018, I was on the fence about watching Blindspot again.  Previously, I reviewed Blindspot, and for the most part gave the series, starring Jaimie Alexander low ratings.  In fact, the last episode that I rated -- Season 3, Episode 12 -- I gave it only 1 star-- mainly because the series pushed Jaimie Alexander further in the background. Here is my review of that particular episode below.


Read on to find out if Blindspot is worth watching this season.

Jaimie Alexander is Back Out Front in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 1


Hooray! Finally the Blindspot TV show has returned to its roots with Jaimie Alexander as Jane Doe and the center of attention -- as it should be.  I was impressed by the number of scenes that showed Jaimie Alexander in her element as an action star -- starting at the beginning scenese of this episode. If you want to see some impressive combat choreography-- you must watch the opening scenes of this episode of Blindspot that has a setting in Tokyo or like Tokyo with TV magic. I do not think you will be disappointed.

Storyline of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 1


If you missed some of the previous episodes of Blindspot like I did, don’t fret.  You can easily catch up with what’s going on, mainly by the conversations between the few people on the show who are really who they profess to be.  Additionally, quite a bit has happened on the previous episodes, including the demise of some of the people who were close to Jane Doe. Looks like there is also a change in Jane herself -- which I discuss below.

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Characterization of the New Jane Doe in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 1

Did you know Blindspot was one of the lowest rated shows from last season?  If you read some of my previous Blindspot reviews, you probably can find out why.  However, to bring the ratings up, I think the writers may be doing a disservice to Jane by making her out to be villainous -- which, in my opinion goes against her character.  In fact, she is referred to by a new name -- Remi by some. But if this is what it takes to get a storyline around her -- then so be it.

Also -- if it takes quirks in her personality to put her out in front on screen, dominating most of the storylines as well as the action scenes -- I have no problem with that.  Just as long as whatever she is going through is temporary -- which is usually the case for these type television series. However, Jaimie Alexander must remain out front -- and not hidden in the shadows.

Major Changes (For the Better)  Detected in Blindspot Season 4,  Episode 1

  1. 1. Lots of appearances by Jaimie Alexander in a myriad of action scenes. She is no longer playing second fiddle to her husband.

  2. 2. Her husband is not as active as he was in previous seasons -- which gives Jaimie Alexander more opportunities to stay out front.

  3. 3. More action scenes with Jaimie Alexander again -- front and center. Additionally there is a humor aspect with the return of one of the regulars from previous episodes.

  4. 4. Jaimie Alexander is displaying traits that seemed natural for an action tv star.

  5. 5. She is sporting a new look -- which may or may not stay during the season -- but in my opinion is an aesthetic change. 

My Advice for Future Episodes of Blindspot

  1. 1. Make sure Jaimie Alexander is the star of this television series -- regardless of the storyline. This advice will go far to keep her in the limelight, as well as the show.

  2. 2. Quickly get her cured of whatever she has that was displayed in this first episode of season 4.  This ailment is a nuisance -- when everyone knows she will eventually be cured of.

  3. 3. Reduce or eliminate the appearances of the character Roman in scenes.  If she hears hirm -- just let her listen to his voice. There is no need for him to appear in person on screen when he is really not there -- even if she is supposed to be hallucinating.  Of course, there may be contract stipulations which requires him to appear.

  4. 4. I liked the prevalence of action scenes in this episode where Jaimie Alexander took control of the situation.  Keep it up.

  5. 5. The storyline may be pointing to discarding her husband -- however, I think their partnership will work -- as long as he does not try to steal her thunder -- like he did in the previous episodes of Blindspot.  Remember, Jaimie Alexander is the action star of this show!


Rating of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 1


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot, Season 4 Episode 1 -- 5 stars.  Hopefully my high rating will hold up as I continue to watch subsequent episodes -- and maybe you will watch too. Stay tuned!

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