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Sandra Bullock's The Unforgivable - A Netflix Movie Review

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Introduction to Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable - A Netflix Movie Review


Prior to watching Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie, I saw a youtube video where she was interviewed by Kelly Clarkson about this film.  As a side note – can you imagine a once American Idol contestant interviewing the likes of movie star legend, Sandra Bullock? But I digress. 


During the interview, I noticed that Sandra Bullock was vague about what The Unforgivable movie was about. After watching Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable film, I see why it was of the utmost importance for her to steer away from talking specifically about the movie. Instead, she talked about the importance of family, etc. and seemed to change the subject.


The above being said, should you watch Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie, or should you pass on this one. Check out my review of Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie to find out.


Plot of Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix Movie


Sandra Bullock plays the part of an older sister who has just been released from prison. The movie shows flashbacks at the beginning and during the film on why she was imprisoned. Upon her release from prison, Sandra Bullock’s character is under the watch of her parole officer as she goes about seeking and securing jobs. Her little sister is no longer with her. In fact, she was adopted when Sandra Bullock’s character went to prison. Subplots deal with Sandra Bullock’s character trying to locate her younger sister and the victim’s relatives seeking revenge.


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Standout Actor in Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix Movie


Two words – Viola Davis. Yes, the award winning actor Viola Davis is in Sandra Bullock’s Netflix movie, The Unforgivable – even though she has a much smaller part than Sandra Bullock.The altercation scene showed that Viola Davis knows how to draw out emotion from every word of her lines.

Sandra Bullock did an ok job of playing the sad, brooding character in this movie. However, if you want to witness the display of some good acting skills, check out Viola Davis’ performance during the altercation/argumentative scene in the movie The Unforgivable. I don’t think you will be disappointed.


Overall Tone of Sandra Bullock's The Unforgivable Netflix Movie


Unlike the previous Sandra Bullock Netflix movie I watched and reviewed, The Bird Box, this movie is heavy on the drama with sprinkles of action thrown in. I would describe the overall tone of this movie as sad and somewhat depressing with a hint of suspense. I will not reveal the suspense, since I do not want to spoil the movie.



Sandra Bullock’s Looks/Appearance in The Unforgivable Netflix Movie



Like me, you will probably be surprised that Sandra Bullock does not look like herself in some of the scenes in the movie, The Unforgivable. It looks like the make-up artist, instead of making her look older, seemed to change her face to someone who barely resembled Sandra Bullock.



Unfortunately, I found her look to be a little distracting for me throughout the movie with the exception of her appearances in flashbacks when she appeared younger and much more like herself. I guess this is to be expected, since she is an actor playing a role in a movie.


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Loose Ends in Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix Movie



After watching Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie, you may have questions such as: Why did the parole officer change his perspective of Sandra Bullock’s character?  What happens between Sandra Bullock’s character and her romantic interest?  Did other altercations at one of her jobs continue, since the woman who attacked her said ‘’Watch your back.”, etc.  There may be even more questions, but I will stop there.


Assessment of Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix Movie


If you are a fan of lifetime-type movies, you may enjoy watching Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie. However, if you are expecting to see a movie worthy of showcasing Sandra Bullock’s acting portfolios, you may be disappointed.



Even with the few fights in the movie, I felt like I was watching a lifetime movie instead of a bona fide movie that was worthy of being shown on the big screen in a movie theater. By the way, Sandra Bullock's The Unforgivable movie was shown for a short time in theaters before moving to Netflix.


You may choose to watch Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie, simply because you may be a fan of Sandra Bullock or for some other reasons.  The plus side is the movie is not overly long and the film will seem to end before you really begin watching it.  


Bottom line – With reservations, I recommend that you watch Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable movie. Be aware that in my opinion, Sandra Bullock's movie, The Unforgivable is not of a high caliber like some of her other films.


Rating of Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Sandra Bullock’s The Unforgivable Netflix movie 3 stars.



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