
The Gray Man Netflix Movie Review

Category: Ms H. News
Published on Saturday, 23 July 2022 00:23

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Introduction to The Gray Man Netflix Movie Review


Have you been waiting on pins and needles for the big budget, huge blockbuster Netflix movie, The Gray Man to be released? When I say big budget, I'm talking about funds in excess of 200 million dollars to make The Gray Man movie.


Good news…your wait is finally over. The Gray Man movie is out and available to stream on Netflix. The Gray Man film is one of Netflix' s most costly movies, so I’m sure you are anticipating an adrenaline filled ride as you watch some of your favorite film stars In The Gray Man Netflix movie.


When I mention favorite film stars, I’m speaking of such actors as Chris Evans of Captain America and The Avengers fame and Ryan Gosling of Drive and The Place Beyond the Pines notoriety. Also be on the lookout for Ben Affleck’s ex-girlfriend, Ana de Armas as Dani Miranda starring in The Gray Man Netflix movie as well. Of course there are many other big name stars that will grace the screen in The Gray Man Netflix movie.


Now that I’ve watched The Gray Man Netflix movie, you may be curious about my thoughts on the movie. By the way, I also watched the trailer of The Gray Man Netflix movie, which seemed to show the film as having nonstop action from start to finish. And wait… Is our usual  criminal fighting heroic icon Chris Evans (Captain America) playing the part of a villain in The Gray Man Netflix movie?


I have these answers and more to help you decide whether to watch or pass on The Gray Man movie on Netflix.


Main Characters in The Gray Man Netflix Movie


Let's get the cast of characters pointed out, front and center. First, Ryan Gosling stars as a CIA agent recruited from prison, Court Gentry (Sierra Six); Second, Chris Evans stars as the villain (Lloyd Hansen) who is out to capture Ryan Gosling's character; Third, Billy Bob Thornton stars as the recruiter, Donald Fitzroy who has since retired and is now guardian of his 13 year old niece, Julia Butters as Claire Fitzroy, and last but not least Ana de Armas' character stars as Dani Miranda who is a CIA agent and an ally of Ryan Gosling’s character. 



Synopsis of The Gray Man Netflix Movie


The plot of The Gray Man Netflix movie is similar to some of the James Bond type spy movies you probably have seen in the past with a twist. In The Gray Man Netflix movie, the CIA is recruiting agents who are in prison for various reasons, with the promise of freedom as long as they perform jobs given to them. Those who are recruited are given a number name preceded by Sierra for example, Ryan Gosling's code name is Sierra Six. 



Ryan Gosling’s missions include protecting Billy Bob Thorton character's niece at all costs. In a sad turn of events, the niece played by Julia Butters has a heart condition and is prone to become ill at any time.


However, the plot thickens. After Ryan Gosling’s character as Court Gentry (Sierra Six) is about to complete his mission to destroy an operative who seemed to be a notorious enemy, he finds out that this enemy was once a Sierra agent, (Sierra Four) similar to himself.


Looks like the CIA is on an undercover mission to destroy all of the Sierra recritts, which of course, includes Ryan Gosling's character. To solidify this mission, the Sierra Four character (before his demise) gives Ryan Gosling's character a medallion which has a chip inside with encrypted information.


Soon after Ryan Gosling’s character finds out the CIA’s covert mission includes his own destruction, lots of action, including foot and car chases, fights, explosions, bomb detonations, and more happen in the storyline as Ryan Gosling’s character attempts to save not only himself but the niece of his recruiter, Billy Bob Thornton’s character.


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Stand out Actor in The Gray Man Netflix Movie


If you recall, when I reviewed the James Bond  hit movie, No Time To Die, I pointed out that although Ana de Armas has a small action part in the film, she was the stand out action actor to me. Did the powers to be happen to read my movie review and follow through with changes for Ana de Armas?


Ana Armas definitely has a much larger, and exciting action part in the Netflix movie The Gray Man than she did in the James Bond No Time to Die movie. 


Not only is she on top of her game in the action scenes, but she is believable in her role as a plausible action actor. In fact, during The Gray Man movie, her character rescued Ryan Gosling’s character, not once, but twice. In a nutshell, Ana Armas she did not disappoint in her action role in The Gray Man Netflix movie.


Least Favorite Actor in The Gray Man Netflix Movie


Personally, my least favorite actor is Chris Evans' character as the villain, Lloyd Hansen. To me, he came across as flippant in his villain role and was not believable in most of his scenes. He seemed to be playing someone who is playing a villain – twice removed. In other words, he was playing the caricature of a villain.


That being said, there was one exception when he seemed to embrace the villan role. This happened when he was holding Julia Butter’s character as hostage and was threatening to harm her, an innocent child in front of Ryan Gosling’s character. This is the one time when he seemed like a true menace, and should have used this personn throughout the movie. As a side note, Julia Butter’s character was (make-believe) bruised but her character was not harmed during this movie scene.


Chris Evans' character also gets a pat on the back for his funny one-liners from the writers, including lines such as and I paraphrase, “You are learning how not to color outside of the lines,” and his comparison of Ryan Gosling's character to himself, when he mentions, “except for the $8 haircut.” There are a few more one-liners by Chris Evans' character that may interest you in The Gray Man Netflix movie.


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Action in The Gray Man Netflix Movie


To set the tone of The Gray Man, the action starts off slow, I believe, in order for the audience to find out more about the storyline. However, soon after the beginning of the movie,The Gray Man Netfix movie, the film is non-stop action which I’m sure will probably keep your interest.


Assessment of The Gray Man Netlix Movie


If you are an action film fan, I think you will enjoy watching The Gray Man movie. From the quality of the movie, The Gray Man, you probably can tell the movie-makers spent a lot of money in order to bring realistic action entertainment to the masses. Did they succeed with The Gray Man Netflix movie?  Without hesitation, my answer is a resounding "Yes."


If you are on the fence about watching The Gray Man movie, hopefully my review will get you closer to getting off it, so you can enjoy this action-packed film. My advice to you? Watch the Gray Man movie on Netflix. When you do, I do not think you will be disappointed.


Rating of The Gray Man Netflix Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate The Gray Man Netflix movie 5 stars.





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