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Street Fighter X Tekken Cross Assault Contest Audition Opens


Street Fighter X Tekken

If you are over 18 years old and have proof of your age, you may be eligible to enter the Street Fighter X Tekken contest.

Capcom is planning an online week-long streaming show, dubbed Cross Assault,  where contestants can compete against each other for big bucks. The time-frame for the online show is late February, 2012 and contestants can audition now for a chance to compete. A specific date for the show was not provided as of press time.

Two teams consisting of 5 video game players each, will be taught by high level game players on how to master the game.  One team will represent Street Fighter and the other team, Tekken.

One player will ultimately be left to win $25,000.

The contest finale is scheduled to occur in Atlanta, Georgia.


In addition to the age criteria, there are other eligibility requirements as well, including travel and game play-time commitments.

The Street Fighter X Tekken video game playable on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and Microsoft Windows will be released on March 6, 2012.  





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