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Grand Theft Auto Release Date - Beware of April Fools Pranks in Video Games News



Is Grand Theft Auto V's release date part of an April Fools Day ploy?

On April 1, 2012, April Fools Day, it would not be surprising if some video game news are not true.  One of the games that may be at the top of an April Fools Day prank, among others is the release date for Grand Theft Auto V.


Grand Theft Auto V.

If you see any news on April 1, 2012 regarding the release date for Grand Theft Auto V, remember that Rockstar Games has not announced an official release date. The news will most likely be an April Fools prank. If the release date was told to you in person or even in print, the response from the news-giver would be "April Fools!"

Grand Theft Auto V is currently one of the most anticipated video games -- so it is natural to want more news about the game before it is actually released.  There are mixed thoughts within the video game community regarding exactly how much information should be released about the video game. Many are saying to hold off, while others are saying that news on Grand Theft Auto V is long overdue.


Grand Theft Auto V 

The above being said, there are rumors about Grand Theft Auto to fill in the gaps of news about this video game. The rumors include more information about the video game being released within the next few weeks, including possible screen shots.

Even though you may be excitedly waiting for news, especially about the release date of Grand Theft Auto V, be skeptical of news that may appear on April 1, 2012, April Fools Day -- regardless of the source.  

It is not unheard of for usually creditable sources to dally in April Fools pranks -- including Google.  Remember -  Beware.

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