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Resident Evil 6 Pre-Order Bonuses Available -- Launch Date October 2, 2012


Screenshot from Resident Evil 6

Resident Evil 6, developed and published by Capcom, will be launched on October 2, 2012. A PC version will be released at a later date.  

However, if you like, you can pre-order this video game and receive a GameStop exclusive Mercenaries Stage: The Catacombs. In the Catacombs, there are traps ready to ensnare you at every corner, unless your reflexes are quick enough to avoid them.

If you pre-order from Amazon.com, you will receive an exclusive Mercenaries Stage:  The High Seas Fortress which includes a nautical location.  Pre-order from Best Buy and you will receive an exclusive Mercenaries Stage:  The Rail Yard. Enemies are lurking in the rail yard and you will have to stay on the move when playing this video game to survive. 


Scene from Resident Evil 6

During gameplay, you will fight against two enemy types -- zombies and J'avos.  The difference between the J'avos and zombies is the J'avos can intereact between each other to plan attacks, use weapons and heal themselves.

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Cover art for Resident Evil 6 for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.

The story is set in the year 2013 and involves U.S. President Adam Benford revealing the truth behind the incidents that occurred in the 1998 Racoon City destruction, with the belief that this information will curb the recent insurgence of bioterrorist activity. 

Resident Evil 6 will have a demo playable on the PlayStation Network and  XBox Live MarketPlace available on September 5, 2012.

Copyright by Moms Minute 2012. All rights reserved.

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