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Video Games: Tekken X Street Fighter A Long Ways Out


Tekken X Street Fighter in development

Your guess is as good as mine as to when the video game Tekken X Street Fighter will be out for play.  Tekken X Street Fighter by Namco Bandai, is not to be confused with the current Street Fighter X Tekken video game by Capcom which has been out for some time now.


Regarding the time frame for Tekken X Streetfighter, the latest is  the video game is a long ways out with no specific dates provided.  According to Capcom's Yoshinori Ono, Namco Bandai's  Katsuhiro  Harada, is "notoriously slow at making games," so it looks as if this game will not be out any time soon.

As the saying goes, "Good things come to those who wait."  When Tekken X Streetfighter finally becomes available, hopefully the gameplay along with the choice of characters will have been worth the wait.

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