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Mom's Minute 6-17-2013

  • Monday, 17 June 2013
Fresh from covering the Anime Mid-Atlantic event for Allgames.com, Ms. H welcomes everyone to the show with a promise to fill listeners in with more details of the event during her next show -- due to time constraints.  She also wishes everyone a happy "after Father's Day." She reviews Knytt Underground and Sonic the Hedgehog Tennis video games.  She also talked about her review of the Rush Bros. video game -- giving it a score of 5 out of 10 backed by justification for her score. Discussions followed on the video game character of the week, Nilin, from the newly released Remember Me video game, as well as new video game releases.  Ms. H talks about her video game field trip to the Video Game Room at the Anime Mid-Atlantic, followed by video game news. E3 was also part of the show as she recants some of the top video games at the renowned entertainment expo.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her saying to stay strong and confident in your positive values.
Duration: 3000 seconds

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