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Mom's Minute 7-6-2015

  • Sunday, 05 July 2015
On this special Tesla 155th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, Ms. H welcomes everyone and wishes all had a Happy 4th of July holiday. Even though the main theme of the show is Tesla, she said other topics will be discussed as well.  Ms. H reviews a video game that has the key word Tesla in its title -- specifically Ms. H reviews the video game, Tesla Effect, A Tex Murphy Adventure which is a Steam video game that she played on her Alienware PC.  Ms. H lets everyone know she had a busy video game playing week, having played not only Tesla Effect, A Tex Murphy Adventure video game, but she played the Steam video game Her Story on her Alienware PC as well as the free PlayStation 4 video game, Drive Club.  Of the video games she played, Tesla Effect, A Tex Murphy game was chosen to be reviewed on Mom's Minute Video Game Show due to her video game field trip to Tesla Motors.  Since this episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show was airing on the first Monday in  the month of July, Ms. H features the person July was named for -- Julius Caesar -- as the video game character of the week.  Interesting discussion ensued on Julius Caesar with Ms. H stating she was givng a positive spin on him.  Ms. H lists video games Julius Caesar appears in which led to discussion on movies and television shows that feature him as well.   Zoe Saldana is the celebrity gamer of the week, with Ms. H sharing why and how the model, actress, producer and dancer was chosen in this category.  Interesting enough, Zoe Saldana played the Star Trek character Nyota Uhura, who was discussed the previous week on Mom's Minute Video Game Show when Nichelle Nichols was featured as the celebrity video gamer.  Ms. H shares her experiences during her  video game field trip to Tesla Motors located in Washington DC and gave her opinions not only of the Tesla car itself, but also the laid-back type sales pitch she received from the sales person at this location.  She lets everyone know pictures of her video game field trip to Tesla Motors will be posted on http://www.allgames.com as well as on her facebook page under Mom's Minute and encourages all to visit.   Ms. H equates her Tesla Motors trip as video game related not only because she discussed Tesla Effect, A Tex Murphy Adventure video game, but she also mentions the size of the GPS screen in the Tesla that would be suitable for video game playing, of course when the car is not being driven.  Ms. H informs everyone of new video game releases. Video game discounts by Amazon.com for Amazon prime members as well as a new character reveal for the Mortal Kombat video game top the video game news.  Ms. H rounds out Mom's Minute Video Game Show by sharing her special original saying that positive visions become realities when you take action and control.  Take the next steps to make your positive visions realities.

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