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Mom's Minute 8-17-2015

  • Sunday, 16 August 2015
Ms. H illustrates that change is good as she welcomed everyone to her first ever special extended Mom's Minute Video Game After Dark show, which aired  live at 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 7:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time at http://www.allgames.com .  http://www.allgames.com  is the premiere site and video game community for gamers.  The show is prefaced with interesting and fun attributes about http://www.allgames.com, including its wide variety of video game podcasts, video game news, events and other topics of interest to all gamers -- hence the name -- Allgames.com. Ms. H thanked everyone for joining her as she broadcast Mom's Minute Video Game live with full freedom to go beyond her usual allotted one-hour video game time-frame.  That being said, Ms. H stated she did not want to overstay her welcome and will be ending the show before the clock hits 12 midnight, similar to how Cinderella had a midnight curfew when she attended the royal ball. Ms. H kicked out her Mom's Minute After Dark Video Game Show by discussing two free video games she played on her Alienware PC -- EverQuest and Hearthstone:  Heroes of Warcraft. Even though EverQuest is an older Role Playing Game, RPG, Ms. H noticed the game was keeping up with the times by way of numerous upgrades.  She liked a lot about the EverQuest video game including the gameplay as well as the different missions or quests.  Ms. H indicated  she was happy to  win an achievement within just a few minutes of  EverQuest game play.  Ms. H enjoyed playing the video card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft as well.  Ms. H entertained comments from her listeners on these video games and even found out about another card playing game called Battle Chess. Interesting discussion followed on how strategy is used to win when playing video card games.  There was talk of how these type video games would be even more enjoyable if there was some type of animation in the games.  Ms. H stated she would not buy upgrades, etc., for free video games since the video games should after all be free.  This led to talk of how developers and others may offer upgrades etc. because they are, of course,  not working for free.  When Ms. H stated there were other ways for video games to make money, the topic of advertisement was brought up.  During this discussion, Ms. H talked about how she learned high level type video game information which included how to use advertisements in video games when she attended the Digital Media Wire L.A. Gamers Conference.  At Digital Media Wire L.A. Gamers Conference  she talked with notable insiders of the video game industry.  She directed everyone to http://www.allgames.com to check out an article she wrote on the  Digital Media Wire L.A. Gamers Conference.  While at http://www.allgames.com, Ms. H encouraged everyone to also check out other features of the site, including her recent review of The Man from U.N.C.L.E. movie.  Ms. H informed everyone she would also be reviewing the upcoming movie, Hit Man: Agent 47.  Ms. H found out the movie is based on the video game, and is not just a movie that is using the name of a video game. Ms. H talked about the video game character of the week, Psylocke from X-Men.  She discussed the  celebrity gamer, Olivia Munn who will play Psylocke in the upcoming X-Men Apocalypse movie. Ms. H asked for comments from her listeners regarding Olivia Munn to include if she really played video game.  A friendly debate occurred on whether Olivia Munn really needed to be adept at playing video games since she was hired to do a job -- which does not mean that she necessarily has to be good or even play video games.  Ms. H stated that Olivia Munn plays the video games World of Warcraft as well as Call of Duty. Ms. H discussed her video game field trip to Office Max and explained that Office Max and Office Depot had merged. While at Office Max, Ms. H was given a demonstration of Windows 10 by a sales clerk.  Ms. H commented that items in Office Max are more expensive than some other similar type retail outlets.  Ms. H shared with listeners, that she too, sometimes go to Office Max simply to try out the various chairs the company sell. Ms. H lists the new video game releases, which were numerous.  Ms. H said she is looking forward to the influx of new video games when the holidays draw closer. During the news segment of  Mom's Minute Video Game  After Dark Show, she sent condolences and prayers to the family of the late  Civil Rights leader, advocate, politician, and writer Julian Bond who sadly passed away at the age of 75 on August 15, 2015.   The return of the main announcer of the WWE video game tops the news as well as the news of a John Wick video game based on the movie coming out soon.  http://www.allgames.com  announcements included reminding everyone that http://www.allgames.com  is the place to be for video games due to the community who has shared interests including video games as well as exciting video game podcasts,  video game news and reviews available at http://www.allgames.com.  After a bedtime story was told to the group with the moral that the grass is not always greener on the other side -- Ms. H shares her special original saying on how to have a failsafe way to success and happiness by having your goals and actions revolve around positivity.  When you do, your success and happiness are guaranteed.        
Duration: 6600 seconds

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