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Mom's Minute 9-21-2015

  • Monday, 21 September 2015
You may have heard the phrase "Go big or go home."  Well, Ms. H goes big with fun on this, the 166th episode of the Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  She discusses the video game she played on her PlayStation 4, Super Time Force Ultra which is free to PlayStation Plus members. Ms. H explained that after about thirty minutes, she stopped playing thevideo  game due to the ambiguous tutorial as well as the difficulty of play early in the game.  She did not rate the game high relative to how much she would pay for it if it was not free to play.  Ms. H talks about the video game character of the week, Nina Williams, a video game fighter who has appeared in all of the Tekken video games. Next, she discusses the celebrity gamer of the week, Vanessa Williams who was the first African-American Miss America; however she unfortunately, was the first Miss America to have to give up her crown.  Lively discussion followed on Vanessa Williams, including if the pageant officials made the correct decision at the time.  Ms. H said that at the recent Miss America Pageant, Vanessa Williams received an apology, many years after her crown was taken away from her in 1984.  Ms. H stated that she is featuring Vanessa Williams as an inspiration that you can always bounce back and excel. She discussed the many Emmy and Tony award nominations Vanessa Williams has received since this incidence.  Ms. H said that Vanessa Williams won an Oscar for the song in the Pocahontas Disney movie and that Vanessa Williams  is slated to appear in the newest episodes of The Good Wife television show.  Regarding video games, Ms. H was unsure if Vanessa Williams plays video games; however there is a Pocahontas video game out and she could check to see if Vanessa Williams had any involvement.  Ms. H discusses new video game releases including FIFA 16 which will launch on September 22, 2015.  This video game led to interesting, informative discussion on how NCAA got FIFA to eliminate women players in the video game.  The possibility of digital downloads replacing physical video games was discussed with Ms. H stating that if there was a complete turn from physical copies to digital video game downloads, the video game companies would probably benefit more so from this change than the consumer.  An announcement was made that a special guest, Basil Masters, the actor who appears in martial arts shorts and other film videos will appear on Mom's Mnute Video Game Show on September 28, 2015.  Ms. H lets everyone know this is a show they do not want to miss. Ms H tops off the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with  her special original saying to make positivity and happiness your game plan for now and always.     

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