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Mom's Minute 11-09-2015

  • Monday, 09 November 2015
Ms. H  of Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 173rd edition of the show and wishes all a happy pre-Veteran's Day.  Ms. H explains the reason for playing a Taylor Swift song as intro music ties back to last week's show when she  alluded to Taylor Swift possibly being able to delay the November 10, 2015 release date for Rise of the Tomb Raider video game to give Ms. H time to finish the Tomb Raider video game before the new one comes out.   Ms. H announced this would not be necessary since she beat the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition video game the previous night, a day or so ahead of the November 10, 2015 release date for the latest Tomb Raider video game.  Ms. H discusses the PS4 video game she played, Dragon Fin Soup, which is free to play for PS Plus members.  She talks about the video game character of the week, Samantha Nishimura or Sam of the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition video game.  This led Ms. H to discuss her excitement to have beat the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition video game.  She said the game was fun to play; however, she cautioned everyone that there are some gruesome scenes in the video game. She also explained how she had to work extra hard to get past what was called the Quick Time Events (QTEs) which require pushing buttons on the controller in specific sequences. However, overall, Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition was, in her opinion, an excellent video game.  Ms. H shares news of the availability to purchase a Collector's Edition of Rise of the Tomb Raider video game boxed set that includes a 12" statue of Lara Croft, replicas of her necklace and journal as well as a special case for the game.  She received notice of low quantities of this Collector's Edition set  from Square Enix and decided to order it even though it would arrive a day or so after the release date of November 10, 2015.  She  posted information about this offer on http://www.allgames.com as a comment on her article titled Unraveling the Release Dates for Rise of the Tomb Raider.  Ms. H discusses the celebrity gamer of the week, Kat Graham as well as her PC video game.  She talks about her video game field trip to not one, but two retail establishments, namely Deals R Us.  New video game releases are discussed with Ms. H letting everyone know  the biggest games being released on November 10, 2015 include Rise of the Tomb Raider as well as Fall Out 4 and Star Craft.  A possible new Star Trek television show tops the news which also included Ms. H discussing how one could become a voice actor. Announcements included an http://www.allgames.com Red Alert tournament as well as the addition of new shows to the Allgames.com Video Game Network.  Ms. H tops the show with her special, original saying that with perseverance and determination, you will meet your goals, and to always remember that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.  

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