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Mom's Minute 12-14-2015

  • Monday, 14 December 2015
Merry Christmas!  Ms. H of Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to this special Christmas Mom's Minute Video Game Show 178th episode. Lively discussion followed on Ms. H's opinion of the video game she played on her Playstation 4 -- King's Quest: A Knight to Remember.  Ms. H shared she would have enjoyed the video game better without the narration which led to discussion of the comparison of video games with movies and books.  Ms. H keeps the fun energy going by talking about the video game character of the week, Anna Williams from the Tekken video game franchise.  In keeping with the Christmas theme of the show, Ms. H deviated from featuring a real-life person, to the fictional character of Ms. Claus who is sometimes in the background during Christmas.   Interesting debate centered on why Ms. Claus' first name varies as well as the question of whether or not Santa Claus, himself, was real.  Ms. H provided her answer making the point that one must be nice, kind and polite-- not naughty -- to get gifts from Santa Claus. Ms. H talks about her video game field trip to the Christmas Mouse, a store that sells Christmas items all year round.  She encouraged everyone to visit her Facebook page under Mom's Minute to take a look at the Christmas Mouse store for themselves, since she posted a video of her visit.  Discussion veered to the coming release of  Star Wars the Force Awakens.  With the premiere of Star Wars the Force Awakens opening in some areas before others. Ms. H stated the importance of not spoiling the movie for others who may not have seen the movie yet. Ms. H confirmed to everyone that Mom's Minute Video Game Show will return after a Christmas break, with the first show of the New Year airing Januar 4, 2016, 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 4:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time at http://www.chat.allgames.com or http://www.allgames.com/live.  Ms. H finds out why some websites have separate chatrooms -- depending on how forum contributors conduct themselves.  Interesting discussion was held on how to make http://www.allgames.com greater with the announcment of a contest to vote for the best allgames.com video game podcast to be held in the New Year.  Ms. H wishes everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year before rounding out the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special, original saying to spread the joy of Christmas as well as to  keep Christmas spirit and cheer always.

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