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Mom's Minute 2-15-2016

  • Monday, 15 February 2016
        Ms. H welcomes everyone to the 184th episode of the Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  She wishes all a happy after Valentine's Day, a happy Grammy Show Night, and happy Family Day if you are from Canada.  Ms. H announces the establishment of the first only exclusive http://www.allgames.com Community Group on facebook called Allgames.com Community.  She said everybody cannot become a member of the group.  You have to be selected to join our Allgames.com Community Group.  Ms. H told everyone there are lots of fun news and information being shared at the Allgames.com Community on facebook.  She let everyone know the goal of the group is to bring more people and views to the http://www.allgames.com website where you can find many high quality video game podcasts, news, movie reviews and much more.  Ms. H discussed the video game character of the week, Laura Matsuda, a brand new character to the new Street Fighter V video game that will be released at midnight February 15, 2016.  This topic led Ms. H to discuss her recent purchase of the Street Fighter V Collectors Edition video game set from Amazon.  She knew due to the holiday on February 15, 2016 and the launch date for Street Fighter V that it is very unlikely she would receive the set by February 16, 2016.  However, she was glad to place her order with Amazon.com due to the reliability of the order being received quickly and timely.  In response to the question of why she did not use her Best Buy gamer's card to get a 20% discount, Ms. H said she knew about this discount, but preferred to have the Street Fighter V set delivered to her door.  She also stated one of the reasons she chose Amazon was uncertainty if Best Buy would have the Collector's Edition.  By ordering from Amazon.com, she was sure to get her order within the next few days.  She stated she may even decide to do an unboxing when her Street Fighter V video game collector's set arrives.  Ms. H entertained several questions from her listeners including whether it would be a good idea to purchase Season 2 of the Walking Dead for $25.00.  The discussion veered to the Killer Instinct video game match in which Ms. H has requested a rematch.  She said a rematch would be done only if it was called Mom's Minute Matriarch Meltdown - The Rematch.  She also thanked her supporters of the rematch including one listener who went to bat for her by standing up to the opposition and rallying for Ms. H to have a bonafide Killer Instinct rematch.  Ms. H discussed the video game character of the week Laura Matsuda as well as the celebrity gamer of the week, Felicia Day.  She shared information about the shows Felicia Day has been on including Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and others.  Ms. H pledged to feature only celebrities who actually played or had a direct relationship with video games. Felicia Day fit the bill by voicing video game characters as well as having her own web series called The Guild that was based loosely on Felicia Day being a gamer. Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to the K-Mart that was going out of business as well as the new video game releases.  THe news of Taylor Swift having a video game made by Glue Mobile tops the news followed by news of an interview done by Daigo, who is a champion video game Street Fighter.   Ms. H  said she and  Daigo both had a strong desire to win and equated this back to her twitter name, MsHequalswin.  Ms. H sends condolences to the family and friends to the late Justice Scalia who she said was a friend of video game due to his supreme court win and ruling  that video games should be treated as an entity protected by the First Amendment of free speech.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying to always be the very best you can be, each and every day.        

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