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Mom's Minute 1-27-2014

  • Monday, 27 January 2014
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 88th episode which is the first show of the New Year following the show's holiday hiatus.  Happy to return, she states that she has been busy with new changes for the show to add to the enjoyment of the listeners -- including using new interlude music created by Power Source for some of her video game show segments.  She discusses the video games Ascend: Hand of Kul that she played on her Xbox 360 and the IOS game, Candy Crush which she played on her iPhone -- both of which received positive reviews.  She finds out that Sony had announced the PlayStation Network would be down for maintenance -- which accounted for her inability to access PSN for video games to play on her PlayStation 4 as well as her PlayStation 3 during that time.  When asked by one of her listeners if she preferred the Xbox One to the PS4, she responded PS4, despite having to return two units for replacements.  Her reasons for preferring PS4 over the Xbox One goes back to the "self-serving" tone Microsoft took prior to the launch of the Xbox One -- which in her opinion was not in the best interests of the video game player.  She reveals her choice for video game character of the week -- Prometheus.  This led to a lively discussion on the mythical character Prometheus and why a 2012 movie had the same name.  Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to the Five and Under store and lists  new video game releases.  She points out the limited number of video games available for the next generation video game consoles, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 before she lists new releases for other video game systems including the Ouya.  Ms. H stated she is looking forward to receiving her video game Tomb Raider, Definitive Collection which should arrive within a few days. The practice of some companies, i.e. Electronic Arts paying youtubers for favorable video game reviews topped the news.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her original saying to keep your spirits and goals high and to stay happy as well as healthy in the New Year and in the years to come.

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