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Mom's Minute 2-3-2014

  • Monday, 03 February 2014
  Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 88th episode and second show of the New Year with many more shows to follow.  Regarding Super Bowl Sunday, she wishes everyone's favorite team won -- in a game that was almost a shut-out.  She reviews the full video game Black Light Retribution that she played on her PlayStation 4 and shares the reasons she was thoroughly impressed with this game.  Ms. H was informed that the developer of this video game was interviewed on the Dead Pixel Live Show.  Ms. H states that she may be interested in listening to this interview -- given how much she enjoyed playing Black Light Retribution.  She was particularly impressed with the team and comradery aspects of the video game.  She stated she played several short video game matches and exited the game when her team was on a winning streak.  Ms. H also reviews the trial version of the video game, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire on her Xbox 360 after stating that she had no desire to play the game she had previously downloaded -- Dead Island -- which was nothing like she expected.   Listeners commented that in their opinion the game Dead Island, was rather boring which she said was a good thing since this may discourage people from playing this game.   Ms. H did not play the game due to the abundance of foul language in Dead Island in addition to other reasons. She introduces a first for the show by stating that she will be featuring a video game character of the week who has not yet made an appearance in a video game. Ms. H  has never done this on any of her previous video game shows.  She reveals that the video game character of the week is none other than  Amanda Ripley McClaren who is the daughter of Ellen Ripley from the Aliens movies and video game franchises.  Amanda Ripley McClaren  will be the main protagonist in the video game Aliens: Isolation when it is released some time in Spring, 2014. She receives clarification that the voice acting was done by someone other than Elizabeth Inglis, who is  Sigourney Weaver's late mother.   Amanda Ripley McClaren's likeness in her later years in the video game is of Elizabeth Inglis in the upcoming video game, Aliens:  Isolation.   Unlike the previous rendition of the Aliens video game -- Aliens: Colonial Marines  -- which was met with lackluster reviews, Ms. H states that Aliens: Isolation should be an improved video game and may not be as "anti-climatic" as the previous version.  She prefaces her discussion of the video game character of the week with the news that she received her Tomb Raider video game from Amzaon.com and is satisfied with the company even if the delivery was a day late, since she was notified that due to the weather there would be a delay in the delivey of the game. Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to Barnes & Noble in Northern Virginia as she searches for a Barnes & Nobles that carries video games. She invites everyone to notify her if they know of a Barnes & Nobles that has actual video games in their  brick and mortar stores.  She states that Barnes & Nobles is missing out on an excellent source of additional revenue by not including video games in their stores.  Ms. H next discusses new video game releases.  Amazon releasing its own video game entertainment console tops the news as well as Sony's rumored announcement that it is going to make the PS4 backwards compatible to the PS1 and the PS2 -- similar to what was done for the PS3. She rounds out the show with her original saying to be motivated to keep your positive actions high, and success will be yours.

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