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Mom's Minute 4-7-2014

  • Monday, 07 April 2014
From a fun-filled TitanFall Xbox One weekend video game party, Ms. H begins her 97th Mom's Minute Video Game Show by thanking her winning team for scoring not just one victory -- but three consecutive victories -- each time winning with an impressive lead. She discusses the two video games she played -- the free full game Mercenary Kings on the PS4 available for PSN Plus members and a demo, Kinect Sports Rivals: Preseason on her Xbox One.  Even though she gave neither of these video games rave reviews, Ms. H states she preferred Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason over Mercanary Kings due to the gameplay and colorful ocean/beach environment where she played Wake Racing.  In keeping with playing the video game TitanFall, the video game characters of the week are John MacAllan and Sarah from this video game.  She was glad that even though TitanFall for the Xbox One is  basically a multiplayer game, some of the characters were given backstories. She then discusses her video game trip  to BJs wholesale outlet establishment which resulted from her receiving a 60-day free membership card.  Ms. H reminds everyone to feel free to suggest video game places they would like her to visit and discuss with them.   She lets everyone know that the video game items she saw at BJs can be seen on her website -- http://www.moms-minute.com under the article:  PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One:  How the "Tables Can be Turned Around" (Part 2).  She suggests that BJs may not be the place to purchase video games as well as video game peripherals due to the limited number of video game merchandise -- which led to a discussion of video games that are available on Steam.  Ms. H additionally states there were no Xbox One or PS4 games at the BJs she visited.  Ms. H also shares with her listeners a current video game sale going on at Target that they may want to check out. Regarding new video game releases, she reports that unlike the previous week, there is a greater number of new video games available including some for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.  The news of additional enemy characters for Spider Man to defeat is revealed during her video game news segment as well as a new upcoming video game, Adri1ft that is being published by 505 Games.  Ms. H rounds out her show with her special saying that when you turn your confidence factor high, success will be yours in leaps and bounds.

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