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Mom's Minute 3-31-2014

  • Monday, 31 March 2014
   Ms. H welcomes everyone to her 96th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  She informs everyone Summer will be here before we know it.  She gets right into the show by reminding everyone that she plans to play Titanfall this coming weekend as she discussed during her previous show.  She also reveals she has progressed in her gameplay and is looking forward to being on a winning team when playing TitanFall. Ms. H announces that for the first time, the two video games she played and will be discuss on the show, are both on the beautifully, designed, Allgames.com.  If anyone wants to know more details about the two video games Ms. H played, they can  visit the impressively designed Allgames.com website for more information on the games.   These two games that Ms. H played were Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on her PS4 and Project Spark on her Xbox One.  She preferred playing Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition vis. Project Spark and highly recommended it for those  who are age appropriate to play this rated M for Mature video game. Regarding Project Spark, she said she would probably play this game again and find out how to create a video game, without having to pay to download the content and other features of Project Spark.  She also stated she played several video games within Project Spark -- one of which she enjoyed playing -- "Barrel Smash."  While playing this game, and reach the first  goal of 40/40, Ms. H  wished that there was more of a celebration in the video game itself when she reached the first goal of this game.  When she reached this point in the game, there was no recognition that she had made an achievement.  She did indicate that these games are made by other video game  players, and recommended that when these type games are made, that the video game player be recognized with "bells and whistles" when they reached a goal. That being said, Ms. H stated she enjoyed playing this game. Ms. H discussed the video game character of the week who is purported to be one of the first female characters in a video game. When she debuted in 1986, video game players did not know until they completed the Metroid game that the main protagonist was a female due to the armor suit she wore throughout the game, Metroid. The video game character of the week was Nintendo's Samus Aran. A lively discussion on her background as well as if her job  as a bounty hunter, is one that Ms. H approved of. Ms. H was of the mindset that she preferred to have the character, Samus Aran to actively participate in the Federation Army as a soldier, instead of as a bounty hunter. Unlike  some of the earlier female video game characters, Samus Aranus remained popular and continues to be featured in video games up to the present day, including those where she gets to have a dialogue or to speak.   This video game character remains very well liked according to polls, such as those conducted by ign and others. The next topic discussed was Ms. H's video game field trip to Best Buy.  She prefaced her discussion on her video game field trip by stating that on her previous show, she announced that she planned to take advantage of the $50.00 savings on the Xbox One she bought, even though she obtained her Xbox One TitanFall bundle system about seven days before this system went on sale.  She shared her experience returning to Best Buy with receipt in hand where she got the $50.00 savings on the system.  Ms. H recommended that her listeners take advantage of this sale, if they have not yet obtained their Xbox One and are in the market for one.  She also provided a cost comparison between the Xbox One and the PS4, and concluded that Sony's PS4 is currently ahead of the game, especially in light of Microsoft steadily decreasing the price its Xbox One.   She next covers the new video game releases, which when compared to the number of new releases last week, were almost none existent this week.  She stated there were a number of games that listed the release date as the first quarter of 2014 without an exact date release date.  She also noticed there were fewer new games introduced this week, and recommended everyone check out the previous week's new releases, which were in abundance duing that time. She also stated that hopefully the new video game releases will increase by the next week. Ms. H rounds out her show with news of a site where listeners can trade  in their old video games, and may get a better price for them.  She informs everyone that she is not advertising this site, but just wanted to keep her listeners informed on all the new video game developments, including new places where they can trade in video games in places other than GameStop, and other locations. She covers the news of Facebook taking over the company Oculus, creator of the virtual reality glasses gear --  Oculus Rift as well as the reasons including the speculations of why this was done by Facebook.  She rounds out the show with news of video game sales available for play on the Nintendo WII virtual consoles.  Ms. H shares her original saying with her listeners stating that by tapping in your vast potential, your success has no boundaries.  

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