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Mom's Minute 4-21-2014

  • Monday, 21 April 2014
On this, the day before Earth Day, Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to her 99th episode.  She shares her experiences playing two video games -- Spider-Man 2: Endless Swing and Frontline Tactics on her MAC, after having decided to make a temporary change from playing video games on her PlayStation 4 and Xbox One video game consoles. She learns a new type video game play called "Turn-Based" as a result of playing the Frontline Tactics game which she played on Steam.  Ms. H entertains questions from her listerners which ranged from the Sony and Microsoft video game console battles on to NES remixes and even  to the topic of which video game character would make the best hockey player.  In recognition of Earth Day, she features the video game character of the week, Talion, from the yet to be released Monolith's video game, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor. The release date for this game is October 7, 2014 and the game will be playable on the Xbox One,  PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and the PC.  She recommended everyone visit her website,  Moms-minute.com for additional information on Middle Earth:  Shadow of Mordor.   She also suggests that everyone visit Allgames.com  to learn how the Fortza Motorsport 5 game can be improved as delineated from the excellent review of the game.  Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to K-Mart which was a repeat visit where she accomplished her goal to find actual PS4's on the shelf, since she had not seen any during her previous video game field trips to BJs, and Costcos.  Next, Ms. H informs everyone about  the new video game releases .  For the video game news -- she discusses the new Farmville video game by Zynga, Farmville 2 which was reported to be designed specifically for mobile devices. In tech news, she adds that Google is working on its own smartphone to be released shortly.  In celebration of Earth Day, Ms. H  shares her original saying that when we take care of the Earth, it will take care of us.

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