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Mom's Minute 4-28-2014

  • Monday, 28 April 2014
Fun was had by all on the special Open Mic Diamond 100th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show in which Ms. H welcomes everyone and thanks them for their congratulations.  In celebration of the 100th show, Ms. H channeled the show around Diamonds, which she used as a theme for 100 shows.  In a twist, her news on the truthfulness of the rumor of E.T. Atari catridges buried in an area in Mexico started her show, which would have been covered later in the show's schedule.  Ms. H led a lively discussion on this rumor of buried E.T. Atari cartridges which is scheduled to be shown in a documentary.  Discussion delved into why the E.T. video game was not well received.  Ms. H follows this topic with a review of two video game demos -- Trials Fusion on the PS 4 and EA Sports NBA Live 14 on the Xbox One. The video game character  of the week featured was Kula Diamond from the fighting video game, King of Fighters based on this character having the name Diamond, which meshed well with Mom's Minute Video Game Show's Diamond anniversary theme.  The video game trip discussed was actually two trips -- one to Acoustic Music and the other to Guitar Center.  She informed everyone she may play a number on her Yamaha flute from her Acoustic Music visit during a subsequent Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  Other video game trips discussed were the SC Collectors Event as well as Wondercon. Ms. H encouraged everyone to visit the beautifully designed  Allgames.com website for excellent video game reviews and more.  She informs everyone of the latest video game releases followed by news of video games that feature depictions of surroundings from several locations that are realistically displayed in video games.  She rounds out her show with her special saying that you should own your happiness because you deserve it.

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/d9W0e-TIMoE/index.php

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