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Mom's Minute 5-12-2014

  • Monday, 12 May 2014
  Ms. H opens the 102nd episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show wishing that everyone enjoyed a Happy Mother's Day as she did.  She thanked everyone for wishing her a Happy Mother's Day as well.   She discusses the two video game demos she played -- Child of Light on the PS4 and Lego: The Hobbitt on the Xbox One.  Even though both were enjoyable video games to play, Ms. H preferred playing Child of Light because of the simplistic game play, orchestra music and fairy-tale-like illustrations.  She entertains comments  and questions from her listeners.   She welcomed commenters to call in to her show.  Ms. H thanked one of her listeners called in to her show and shared knowledge about Steam, the best games to play on Steam, the sales and other interesting information about this company. She discusses the video game character of the week, The Boss from Metal Gear Solid, in celebration of Mother's Day, followed by her video game field trip to the arcade located at ShoreBreak Pizza and Billiards restaurant.  The takeaway from her video game field trip is sometimes it's best to check out places for yourself, if possible, instead of relying on reviews completely which sometimes may not be accurate. Ms. H discusses new video game releases, followed by video game news of a company, GameSpy closing at the end of the month.  The positive side of this happening is that those who enjoy playing Mortal Kombat will  be able to continue to play this game online after that time.  She learns more about GameSpy including the fact that it is one of a small select group of companines that serve as host for multiplayer video games.  She tells everyone about a video game sale at Toys R Us that is occurring until May 15, 2014.  The exciting contest of choosiing the best video game systems going on at Allgames.com is announced as well as how everyone can participate. She rounds out her show with her special original saying to place a high priority on your happiness and enjoy the rewards that will follow.

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