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Mom's Minute 5-19-2014

  • Sunday, 18 May 2014
  Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 103rd episode.  She discusses two video game demos she played -- Lego: The Video Game on the Xbox One and Xcom: Enemy unknown on the PS3.  She rated Xcom:  Enemy Unknown higher because of the dramatic movie-like intro, the graphics as well as the voice acting.  She was skeptical about the Mature plus 17 rating of this game; however during her gameplay, she noted the mature portions did not occur for the duration that she played the game.  She also mentioned that Lego: The Video Game was enjoyable to play due to the graphics and the voice acting from the actual actors who were in the movie.  She noted this game was similar to other Lego video games she has played.  She discusses her experiences in loading and installing the video game, DC Universe on-line on her PS4 and she let everyone know that this video game can be played on both the PS4, the PS3 and other video game consoles. The video game character of the week, Abigail Lincoln from KND is discussed, followed by a lively discussion on First Ladys named Abigail.  Ms. H reminds everyone that even though she currently chooses who is featured as the video game character of the week, she would be happy to entertain suggestions for video game characters from her listeners to be highlighted during the Mom's Minute Video Game  Show. She shares her experience at World Market as the video game field trip and discusses new video game releases, noting that there continues to be scarce new releases for the PS 4 and the Xbox One.  The strong rumor that Google is buying Twitch tops the video game news followed by the news that the Capture the Flag and Pilot Hunter options have been removed from the PC version of Titanfall; however, these options are available for private matches.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying that when you work hard and put your best foot forward, your success is guaranteed.

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