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Mom's Minute 6-30-2014

  • Monday, 30 June 2014
Ms. H of Mom's Minute plays catch-up as she starts her 107th episode Video Game Show  following a highly entertaining introductory segment.  She welcomes her listeners and thanks them for joining her as she continues to find ways to make the show even more to their liking,  enjoyment and fun.  With a genre as wide and expansive as video games, she will not have to look far for ideas for video gamers to gravitate towards her show which continues to strive to become better with each and every episode.  She reminds everyone to join her this coming Sunday  at 4:00 EST, 1:00 PST, as she makes a change and plays Tomb Raider on her PS4 -- after having played Watch Dogs the previous few Sundays.  Ms. H reviews two video games --  Sparkle 2 and Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate, which she played on her PS4.  Of the two, she rated Pixel Junk Shooter Ultiimate higher than Sparkle 2 mainly because Sparkle 2 appeared to be very similar to another video game she played.  Additionally, playing Pixel Junk Shooter Ultimate, she enjoyed the multiplayer mode and is entertaining the idea of playing this game with her listeners as well.  The video game character of the week is Alicia Haus and she makes a return video game field trip to eStarland which she recommends as another source for video games, action figures and video game pheripherals.  Ms. H goes over the new video game releases and notices that most of the games provided an approximate time frame such as Q2 2014 instead of specific release dates.  The good news is that the video game companies are hard at work producing new games, even though they may not be able to provide exactly when the games will be available for play -- at least -- not just yet.  The continuance of the EA, NCAA lawsuit tops the news as well as the news of an upcoming 2016 movie that will feature Wonder Woman.  Exciting announcements are made regarding upcoming video game tournaments and happenings at Allgames.com.  She rounds out the show with her original special saying about the importance of  not only planning ahead, but being able to execute the plan as well. 

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/79Mo0n5fpdA/index.php

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