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Mom's Minute 7-7-2014

  • Monday, 07 July 2014
So nice, we have to do it twice!  That was one of the basis for the E3 Special Sequel Edition of the 108th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  The other basis for the show was for Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show to share advice, experiences, secrets and more on enjoying E3.  Before starting the show, Ms. H reminded everyone that she is playing two video games alternatively on Sundays on Twitch.tv at Twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo.com at 4:00 p.m. eastern standard time, 1:00 p.m. pacific standard time. She welcomed everyone to suggest other video games for her to share her gameplay with as well.  She dismisses a kickstarter questionable topic, opting instead to concentrate  on exciting E3 adventures instead. She begins the show by reviewing two video games she played using the PlayStation Now Beta where she used the access codes provided.  PS Now provided the capability to play PS3 video games on the PS4 by renting these games for a specific number of days.  She let everyone know that some of the PS3 games were not free -- while others were.  The two free games she reviewed were Alien Spidey and Big Sky Infinity using PS Now Beta.  In keeping with she said she would do during the previous Mom's Minute show, Ms. H also reviewed a video game she played on her Xbox One -- Zumba Fitness.  The video game character of the week, as a twist, was not a human character, but was a vehicle that was prominently displayed at E3 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.  The vehicle is the war tank from the video game, World of Tanks.  Ms. H at this time advised everyone to make sure if they went to E3, to make sure to keep a charged camera, or phone in order to take pictures at a moment's notice.  For her video game field trip, Ms. H revealed that the complete E3 2014 adventure was her video game field trip.  However, she did focus on the gift shop which she reveals as a little known secret as a place to obtain souveniers at a reasonable price.  She shares how to obtain free food that is available at most of the media rooms, as well as food venues experienced when visiting a VIP eatery location.  She advises everyone to safely venture outside of E3 to experience sights and events of the area, and if driving to arrive early to help find less pricey parking.  She recaps briefly some E3 topics from the June 23rd Mom's Minute Video Game Show, such as  Nitropod, cool media rooms and her interesting interview with developers and producers of video games at the Convention Center.  She pointed out that a  stand-out was her interview with one of the producers of the video game, How to Train Your Dragon. The Allgames.com E3 party tops  the news and takes center stage.  Ms. H's special saying is to keep a positive perspective by expecting great, fun times that are yours to be had. 

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/MD5MGBor6lI/index.php

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