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Mom's Minute 7-28-2014

  • Sunday, 27 July 2014
Vampires, vampires and more vampires are at Mom's Minute Video Game Show 111th episode. The are not actually at the show, of course, but these mysterious creatures of the night are the theme for the show.  To top it off, Ms. H, host of Mom's Minute Video Game Show has the award winning vampire author of Splash, Baine Kelly as her special guest.  Prior to Baine Kelly arriving on the show, Ms. H invites everyone to watch her gameplay on Sunday's at 4:00 p.m. EST, 1:00 p.m. PST as she plays alternatively Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs on http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesvideonetwork .  Additionally she informs everyone she has a new facebook page under the name of Ms. H All Gaming and welcomes all to check it out. After this announcment, the Castlevania Lords of the Shadows 2 introductory music is played as Ms. H reviews the video game by the same name -- which she gave overall positive ratings.  Ms. H welcomes the special guest, Baine Kelly to the show and begins the interview.  Baine Kelly gave background information on Splash and explained the book is a love story between the main vampire characters Nathaniel and Sariah. Nathaniel is also protecting Sariah,  after she had been locked away in a mansion for quite a number of years.  Blaine Kelly indicates Nathaniel has created a pill for Sariah which would take the place of her needing human blood -- but not completely.  When asked why, she said the pill is not 100 percent effective or perfect and there may be side effects as well.  Baine Kelly answers an abundance of interesting questions from listeners and lets them know that her next book, Blood Loss will be available October 2014.  She responds to questions such as why Dracula is still revered after many years, by stating that since he is the first vampire, his longevity may be due to this fact.  Blaine Kelly continues with where she gets her ideas for the riveting actions in her books, including how she and her husband sometimes reenacts scenes for realism purposes. She reveals she chose vampires as topics for her books in the Sable World series, because of her memories of looking at vampire movies as a child. In fact, she stated she plans to look at a vampire movie later that night.  Baine Kelly lets everyone know who some of her favorite writers are as well as who would play the parts of her main characters if her Splash book became a movie. Blaine Kelly shares with everyone where her Splash book is available for purchase which includes Amazon and Barnes and Noble. She added the book is for adult readers and preferred to stay in the middle regarding featuring adult content in her books. Ms. H thanked Baine Kelley for coming on the Mom's Minute Video Game Show and invites her to return at any time.  The show continued with Ms. H reviewing the cartoon video game, Midnight Bites, stating she prefers the music over the video game play.  Ms. H talks about her video game field trip to the Fanta Sci event and discusses parts of this trip relative to vampires.  She lets everyone know that the video game field trip will be discussed in two parts -- from the vampire standpoint at this show,  and next week from the "video is art" viewpoint where she will welcome Special Guest Willie C. Cordy, Jr.  The change in actors for the television show, Vampire Diaries tops the news, with Ms. H letting everyone know that the actors are asking the fans to keep them on the show at Comic Con and other venues. Due to time, Ms. H announced the special saying will be waived and that she will share two sayings during the next Mom's Minute Video Game Show.

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