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Mom's Minute 7-21-2014

  • Monday, 21 July 2014
On the exciting 110th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show,  Ms. H welcomes everyone, and lets them know that a special guest, Sebastian Kadlecik will be interviewed and joining the live show.  Ms. H  reminds everyone to watch her video gameplay on twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo Sunday's at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time as she plays Tomb Raider and Watch Dogs on her PlayStation 4, alternatively.  Prior to interviewing Sebastian Kadlecik, Ms. H reviews the video games she played on her PlayStation 3 -- the demo Sam and Max Playhouse and the full free game Dead Island 3.  After her  video game reviews, she welcomes Sebastian Kadlecik from Fanboycomics.net who is the creator, writer and artist of Penguins vs. Possums, a unique comic book series where Penguins are pitted against Possums.  The question asked was which side would you choose.  Sebastian  Kadlecik discusses how the comic book idea started and how he teamed up with John Bring to produce the comic books which are also available as a graphic novel -- consisting of the first 4 comic books. He also acknowledges the backing and support of fanboycomics.net and discusses the successful kickstarter.   He explains the human characters' involvement of Penguins vs. Possums and stated the comic book story takes on a Star Wars effect, in that the nature of the main characters in the  story may not be what you may think they are.  He discusses the business aspects of the comic books and let everyone know that eventual expansion of the comic boo, Penguins vs. Possums to other locations are planned.  He advises to purchase the comic book directly from fanboycomics.net.  Penquins vs Possums comic books  are also available at local Los Angeles,  California comic  book stores as well as on Amazon.com.  Discussion followed on digital comics versus the paper comic books with Sebastian Kadlecik stating that he prefers the paper comics even though savings can be had on printing costs when digital versions are used instead.  He provides a summary of the storylines in the comic books and responds to questions.  He further explains how Peguins were selected to battle against the Possums. Ms. H thanks him for the interview and invites Sebastian Kadlecik  to return to and visit allgames.com at any time.  Ms H continues the show discussing her video game field trip to Comic Book Heaven which led to a lively discussion on the news of a female Thor.  The longevity of the Batman comic books tops the news as well as a poll  naming the top comic books that are also video games with Comix Zone,  according to the survey, holding the number 1 spot.  Ms. H's shares her special original saying that super heroes have nothing over you when you have your own, individual super powers of self-confidence and being proud of who you are.

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