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Mom's Minute 9-8-2014

  • Monday, 08 September 2014
With a theme centering around Disney and Marvel, it's a given that on this 117th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, having a fun time is high on the itinerary.  Ms. H  welcomes everyon to the show thanks her listners and viewers for joining her  Saturday, 8:00 p.m. EST, 5:00 p.m. PST and Sunday 4:00 p.m. EST, 1:00 p.m. PST live  as she played video games Dead Nation Apocalypse and Watch Dogs respectively on her PlayStation 4 at http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo .  She invites everyone to join her this Saturday at 8:00 p.m. where she will be playing Thief demo video game  on her PlayStation 4. Ms. H reviews two video games she played the full game Outlast on her PlayStation 4 and the demo Thief video game on her Xbox One.  She noted it would be interesting to see how her gameplay of the Thief video game on her Xbox One will compare when she plays the same game on her PlayStation 4. Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week, Hiro Hamada from the upcoming Disney movie as well as video game from the Marvel comic book Big Hero 6.  She reveals the Frozen TV special led her to select this character, who appeared just before the show ended. She points out that the movie will be from the Disney Studios instead of Marvel even though Marvel may have some creative input.  She informs everyone that Disney took over Marvel in 2009, and as such, has access to Marvel properties including their characters -- which she says was a plus for Marvel, given that Disney saved the company from possible bankruptcy. Ms. H relates her video game field trip to a local amusement part to a trip to one of the Disney Resorts, which she said was of course of a smaller venue than the resorts.  However, Ms. H enjoyed her ferris wheel ride and let everyone know that even though she rode a ferris wheel on PS Home virtually, it was more fun riding a real ferris wheel.  This led to a lively discussion on the possible ending of  PS home which continues to be in Beta. Ms. H announces new video game releases and the rumored attributes of the iPhone 6 to be announced by Apple on September 9, 2014 tops the news.  An exciting http://www.algames.com/live announcement was made that there will be a giveway on a podcast scheduled to air at 5:00 p.m. EST, 2:00 p.m. PST on the Dr. Who Legacy video game.  Ms. H rounds out her show with her special saying to welcome positive changes because sometimes it is through positive changes where your true abilities and aspirations can be realized.                

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