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Mom's Minute 9-15-2014

  • Monday, 15 September 2014
Ms. H of Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the Special Madden NFL 15 episode which is the 118th show.  She thanks everyone who visited her on http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo as she played the video games Thief and Tomb Raider at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time -- 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard TIme, 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time respectively.  She invites everyone to return -- same time, same station. Ms. H discusses Dead Nation Apocalypse video game demo that she played on her PlayStation 4 and Dance Central Spotlight trial version that she played on her Xbox One using the Kinect.  Lively discussion followed on the preciseness of the Kinect, especially when compared with the previous versions.  The video game character of the week featured is Christian Kirksey, who is the tiny player in the Madden NFL glitched video game.  Even though he is 6'2" tall in real life, he is depicted as 1' 2" tall in the game.  Ms. H follows this discussion with sharing her experiences of her video game field trip to Dick's Sporting Goods.  She recommended anyone who enjoys sports to visit this store  due to the wide array of sporting items there.  In keeping with the Madden NFL 15 theme of the show, she discusses the walls of footballs displayed in the store as well as the prices -- which appeared to be reasonablely priced.  She stated that the most prominent football shirts displayed in the store seemed to the those for the Washington Red Skins. This topic led to a discussion on the controversy behind the Washington Red Skins' name, and her opinion on this topic.  The discussion veered to football players in the news, as well as their visibility in the media.  Ms. H lists new video game releases, noting that most of the releases were for the Xbox 360 and the PS3, even though there were a few new games for the PS4 an the Xbox One.  The unboxing and review of  a gaming laptop discussion follows. Microsoft buying the video game Minecraft, including the game's employees tops the news. Regarding the Madden NFL 15 glitch, as part of the news Ms. H discusses how Electronics Arts capitalized on the glitch by not only featureing Christian Kirksey in a commercial about the glitch, but also  how the same twits he used on Twitter was featured in the commercial.   Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying that when faced with not so positive events or happening,s use your power to turn the tables around and make lemon out of lemonade.

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