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Mom's Minute 9-29-2014

  • Monday, 29 September 2014
The Last of Us - Remastered video game takes center stage on Mom's Minute Video Game Show's 120th episode.  Ms. H welcomes everyone to the show and thanks those who joined her gameplay of Black Light Retribution and Tomb Raider at http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo on Saturday  and Sunday at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time  and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time respectively.  Ms. H discusses two video games she played, FIFA 15 demo  on her PlayStation 4 and Infamous 2 on her PlayStation 3.  Even though she used the fight stick controller while playing Infamous 2 -- she preferred this game over FIFA 15 and rated it higher.  She discusses the video game character of the week, Joel from The Last of Us.  Ms. H had previously featured Ellie as the video game character of the week during her July 8, 2013 episode and invites listeners to check out this Mom's Minute Video game podcast at http://www.allgames.com , http://www.moms-minute.com, http://www.stitcher.com or itunes. Ms. H relates her video game field trip to  the Camera Shop to the new photo op feature available on The Last of Us - Remastered.  She explains that this feature which enables video game players to select scenes in the video game and customize it to their liking or preference. Discussion followed on other games that also have the photo feature which includes Fortza and Infamous Second Son.  Ms. H fills everyone in on the new video games released noting there appears to be a lack of new video games for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One which will hopefully change soon.  Video game news followed with more information on the photo op feature in The Last of Us - Remastered and the movie that will be in the works based on the video game.  Ms. H informs everyone of the rumored choices of actresses and actors who may play the lead characters of Ellie and Joel.  The actress choices include Maisie Williams of the Game of Thrones as Ellie and Gerard Butler as the rumored choice to play Joel.  Of course, it is early in the planning stage for the movie, so these names are not in stone, and could change.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying to not give up when faced with challenges because enlightenment is just around the corner. As the sayings goes, "Quitters never  win and Winners never quit."

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