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Mom's Minute 10-6-2014

  • Monday, 06 October 2014
On this 121st episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, the stand-alone downloadable video game InFamous First Light is the theme of the show.  Ms. H thanks everyone who joined her as she played D.C. Universe Online at  4:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., Saturday and Sunday respectively on http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo .  She discusses the two video games she played -- Resident Evil: Code Veronica X on her PS4 via PS3 Now and Chariot on her Xbox One.  She lets everyone know that even though she enjoyed playing Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, the game would have been even more enjoyable if the connectivity messages and shutdown of the game did not occur using the PS Now option.  Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week, Abigail Walker also known as Fetch from InFamous First Light.  She provides background information on the character's plight as to why the main protagonist may have the reputation that she does -- which translated to an engrossing story for the video game, InFamous First Light.  Ms. H announced that Fetch is the first female protagonist in the InFamous video game series. She adds that Fetch is sort of a superhero due to her neon powers.  Ms. H discusses her video game field trip that ties to the video game character due to the neon items located in the establishment -- Spencers Gifts.  Ms. H talks about the new video game releases, and included other new releases Super Smash Brothers as well as others.  She expressed that she was glad to see quite a few new video games released for the PlayStation 4 as well as the Xbox One.  The video game news included an excellent explanation of who is composed of the critics that set the ratings on Metacritic.  She compares InFamous Second Son to InFamous First Light with the latter appearing to engage video game players moreso than the former -- mainly due to the background of Fetch -- the main protagonist.  Lively discussion followed on the rating of The Last of Us-Remastered which had the highest rating on Metacritic.  Ms. H rounds out Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special original saying to perform positive actions with purpose to garner your desired and lasting results.

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