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Mom's Minute 11-10-2014

  • Monday, 10 November 2014
Happy Veterans Day!  On Mom's Minute Company of Heroes vs. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Veterans Day Video Game 127th Show, Ms. H, the host,  welcomes everyone.  The breaking news she shares at the beginning of the show is there will be a special interview with the developer of the video game, In Space We Brawl that was recorded earlier for the show.  Without further ado, the interview started with Alessandro Mazzega from Forge Reply in Italy discussing the video game -- In Space We Brawl.   He talked about the origin of In Space We Brawl, the inspiration for the game as well as Italy's place in the world of video games.   He shared some of the glitches behind In Space We Brawl that were corrected after launch and revealed the company is working on even bigger games.  The show continued after the interview with Ms. H discussing two video games she played --  Insecticide from Steam on her Alienware gaming laptop and SteamWorld Dig that she played on her PlayStation 4. It was explained that Ms. H's  video on the unboxing of the brand new Alienware 17 gaming laptop has been posted on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLMb_XQUt6I and will be posted on http://www.allgames.com as well as other sites.  This topic led to a lively discussion of other video game related online companies and how they fare relative to financials, viewership and other criteria, with Ms. H stating that http://www.allgames.com always come out on top.  Discussion continued on the comparison of the video game Company of Heroes and  Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with Ms. H acknowledging these two video games are of different genres, one being a real-time strategy game and the other being a first person shooter.  Ms. H informed everyone she played Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare and was impressed by the graphics and the gameplay in the single player mode.   There were problems with the multiplayer mode -- which she covered in the video game news segment of the show.  The video game character of the week discussed was Lieutenant Joe Conti from the video game Company of Heroes. Ms. H let everyone know there is a 2013 movie by the same name that is not based on the video game itself.  Ms. H  was impressed by the increased number of new video game releases and also added that she would be covering the midnight opening of the Halo video game. Topping the news were the fixes to be made for the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare video game as well as the strategic plans being used by the new CEO of Electronics Arts  to turn the company around.  Ms. H rounds out the video game  show with her special original saying that war heroes are brave and that you are brave also when you face challenges head on and see victory in sight.

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