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Mom's Minute 11-17-2014

  • Monday, 17 November 2014
On this 128th episode, Mom's Minute Marvel Universe Live Thor vs. Thor Video Game Show starts with Ms. H sharing a previously recorded interview she had with Gilyon Brace-Wessel, an actor from the traveling Marvel Universe Live Show.  During the question and answer Marvel Universe Live interview, Gilyon Brace-Wessel, who plays Aldrich Killian in the show --  not only responded to questions, but also provided advice on how anyone who is interested in being part of the show could go about doing so. After the interview, Mom's Minute Marvel Universe Live Thor vs. Thor Video Game Show resumed live with Ms. H thanking  all who helped in arranging the interview, as well as to Gilyon Brace-Wessel for theinterview.  The show moves on to the video game character of the week, the female Thor, whose Issue Number 1 comic book debuted on October 1, 2014.  Ms. H shared her opinion on why Thor wore a mask as well as how long Thor would remain a female.  She explained that when this news initially surfaced about Thor being a female, there may have been misconceptions the original Thor would change to a female. She further explained that was not the case, since the original Thor is still around; however, he is no longer worthy of wielding Mjolnir, his magical, powerful hammer. Ms. H said that it is very likely this change will not be permanent. Interesting discussion followed on other females who were the owners of Mjolnir.  During Ms. H's video game that she played discussion, lively debate followed about the merits of the Kim Kardashian Hollywood video game which led to more discussion of Kim Kardashian being a famous celebrity.  Donald Trump was also included in this discussion.  Ms. H  told everyone she enjoyed playing the Kim Kardashion Hollywood video game as well as the Marvel Puzzle Quest video game -- both which she played on her iPhone.  These games were free to play. She went on to explain that even though the Marvel Puzzle Quest video game reminded her of another video game -- Bejeweled, there were also parts where you could choose Marvel characters to appear in the video game. Ms. H informed everyone that if the Marvel Puzzle Quest game is played long enough, the new female Thor will appear as a character selection.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying that when you exhibit a positive persona, regardless of the circumstances, be sure to enjoy the many opportunities that are sure to come your way.

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