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Mom's Minute 12-01-2014

  • Monday, 01 December 2014
Happy December lst! On this first day of December 2014, Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the Special Agent Carter vs. Wonder Woman edition -- the 130th episode. She starts the video game show with discussion of the two video games she played on her PS4 -- Escape Plan and Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. She explains her rating of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare as well as the basis for it coming short when compared to the rating of another video game she played -- I am Alive, which she gave higher ratings.  Lively discussion followed on the video game character featured for the week --  Agent Peggy Carter from the Captain America and Avengers franchises.  She acknowledges Wonder Woman would win over Agent Carter, and shared some similarities as well as other differences between the two characters.  She includes video games that Agent Carter appears and is excited to hear there is an upcoming Wonder Woman movie in the works with Wonder Woman in the leading role.  Ms. H shares her experiences shopping the Black Friday sales, including some of the great deals for Black Friday advertised at Walmart.  She said that even though Best Buy had one game, Just Dance 2015 on sale for a cent less than Walmart, she decided to stick with shopping at Walmart for the Black Friday video game sales.  New video game releases are discussed next followed by video game news. She find out that Limbo was offered free for the Xbox One.   Regarding the video game news, Ms. H shares what is probably a rumor of Pokemon coming to mobile devices -- especially when Nintendo has made it known that if its games move to these devices, it would cease to be Nintendo.  Ms. H lists the free games being offered by Sony for the month of December, 2014.  Ms. H rounds out the video game show with her special original saying that when you take the positivity road, you are always going in the right direction -- regardless of where you are going.

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