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Mom's Minute 11-24-2014

  • Monday, 24 November 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!  Mom's Minute Special Thanksgiving Day Fleur de Mai Video Game  Show starts with the iconic song Peoples Loving People to set the stage for the spirit of the 129th episode of the show. Fluer de Mai or the Mayflower which is the ship that brought the Pilgrims or Puritans to America in 1621 is the central topic of the show as well as the featured vessel during the show.  A spirited and lively discussion followed on exactly who were the Pilgrims with Ms. H saying to look on the positive side in that the colonists did land on what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts from what was a very treacherous voyage.  Regarding the ship itself, Ms. H explained that shortly after the famous 1621 voyage, it was taken out of commission, never to sail again.  However,  there is a replica of the Mayflower called the Mayflower II, built in the 1950's based on the same specifications as the original and actually still sails.  Ms. H discusses the two video games she played, Sunset Overdrive on her Xbox One and the Steam game, Chivalry: Medieval Warfare that she played on her Alienware gaming laptop.  The discussion moved to types of delicacies including meats that are edible as well as the status of Pluto on being categorized as a planet.  Ms. H talked about her video game field trip to Trilogy Comics and lists the new video game releases which are plentiful due to the upcoming holidays. She reminds everyone about her advice on having a successful and safe Black Friday  shopping experience and to check out her secrets that are  published at http://www.allgames.com/data-blog/item/10171-how-you-can-be-successful-at-black-friday-shopping-secrets-revealed  Along these same lines, Ms. H will grade the Black Friday sales relative to video games which will be published at http://www.allgames.com . A change in prices for video game rentals from Redbox tops the news.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying that when you give of yourself to help others along with having a positive attitdue, there are few other greater rewards.

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