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Moms Minute 3-23-2015

  • Monday, 23 March 2015
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game show welcomes everyone to the special 140th episode which features special guest from Retro Magazine and Retro VGS or Retro Video Game System, Mike Kennedy.  She discusses the video game she played on her Xbox One, Blade Storm: Nightmare.  Ms. H lists the new video games being released before Mike Kennedy from Retro Magazine and Retro VGS is introduced.  Mike Kennedy answers questions regarding the Retro VGS which is currently in the pre-development stages.  Even though specs of the Retro VGS was unavailable as well as the name of the developer,  Mike Kennedy explained other aspects of the video game system including the type of video games planned which will be in the range of 8 to 32 bit -- with emphasis on games at the midpoint -- 16 bit.  He provided an estimated cost of the Retro VGS to be in the $150 range with video games selling up to about $40.00.  He discussed the kickstarters planned for the Retro VGS which will be forthcoming in the May - June 2015 timeframe.  Based on the mold of the Jaguar video game system, the Retro VGS is retro based on the use of the 8 to 32 bit graphics as well as the use of game cartridges.  Mike Kennedy discussed that playing video games on the Retro VGS can be done without the updates and other software notifications seen on some of the current video game systems. According to Mke Kennedy the use of a game cartridge for games for the Retro VGS will not result in higher prices for the video games that will be developed for the system.  When asked about the video games planned, Mike Kennedy said new video games are planned for the Retro VGS, some of which will be video games developed exclusively for the system.   Many selling avenues will be used for the Retro VGS which will include retail stores, both domestic and internationally.  He said the Retro VGS  will also be available for purchase through a website. Mike Kennedy also talked about the Retro Magazine including others who work on the magazine. Prior to concluding, Mike Kennedy shared the website where more information can be found about the Retro VGS. Ms. H thanks Mike Kennedy for the interview.  She rounds out the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special original saying that whenever you smile, your days become instantly brighter.                

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